

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

HOWTO: A tolerable work flow to calibrate and manage output volume of a plugin


I've settled on a work flow I'm pretty content with so figured I'd share the details here. The test case is the Odin2 synth which appears to suffer from a bug where MIDI Learn data is not persisted. Under the hood, I suspect the plugin most likely doesn't export the data in a suitable fashion which is preventing DAWs from making use of it in the session.

Copying automation from one track to another


I have an audio track which is an export of several midi tracks. I applied automation of gain to this track.

Now I have found some better midi sounds, and have a new exported audio track. How can I copy the automation of the previous audio track to the new one? I tried simply copying and renaming the curve file, but that didn't work.


Feature | custom properties in Mixer


Creating custom properties with setProperty would allow us to have more control over the interface with QSS.

For example we could access exclusively the Record button:
qtractorTrackButton[type= "Record"]{

I find it especially necessary in the mixer.

__Rack header(I don't remember the class) and qtractorMixerRackWidget__
type= BusIn, Track, BusOut

Mixer improvement with QSS


By stretching the mixer high, the undesirable thing would be that only the plugin box would be expanded.

1. Avoid hidden plugins
2. Allows the midi volume indicators to not be uneven with respect to the audio, leaving the 0db reference on the same line.

This simple QSS code does the miracle

qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip QWidget {
max-height: 235px;

Access a clip hidden by another


My intuition is to "send to the bottom" by pressing the "end" or "ctr+down" key (as in graphic design programs).

I think it currently can't be done in Qtractor.
If so, could a command to send the selected clip to the background be associated with pressing a key?

I've been searching and found this function QGraphicsItem::setZValue()
I don't know if it is suitable here or if there is a better one.