I'm running Ubuntu Studio 23:10 with a Ryzen 7700 in a Gigabyte B650 motherboard. Since then, every time I load an instrument it only works for a few seconds, then nothing. I have a screenshot of the message. Any ideas anyone?
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re. Qtractor not working after upgrade to Ryzen 7700
I would investigate why those suspicious messages are there:
ALSA: poll timeout, polled for
nnnnnnusecs, Retrying with a recovery, retry cnt =
nbefore saying it's qtractor fault; it seems you have it broken a sound system: are you sure it works on jackd or pipewire-jack, at all?
Hi Rui, I know for a fact the
Hi Rui, I know for a fact the problem isn't with qtractor - I was hoping someone with a Ryzen 7700 may have experienced this and found an answer. It's almost certainly the new CPU, because I went back to Ubuntu studio 21:10 (which I used to run with no problems) and qtractor didn't work there either.
I've messed about with all forms of audio set up with no luck. Ardour and Rosegarden don't work either, but I don't care about them.
I read on this forum a while ago that certain graphics cards can prevent qtractor from working - can't think why.
What operating system do you use? I'll give that a go . . . I'm NOT losing qtractor!
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