By stretching the mixer high, the undesirable thing would be that only the plugin box would be expanded.
1. Avoid hidden plugins
2. Allows the midi volume indicators to not be uneven with respect to the audio, leaving the 0db reference on the same line.
This simple QSS code does the miracle
qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip QWidget { max-height: 235px; }
File attachments
This can expose issues with
This can expose issues with how the track names are rendered in the mixer strips. As you can see, the track with the newline and text on the second line is out of whack.
Rui, any chance the names can be rendered using only the text on the first line up to the newline (if present) and then centered? The full formatted string is always still available via the hover anyway so I can't see the proposed change being disruptive.
you should make the style-sheet more specific to the target widgets instead.
taking from the above example the max-height attribute applies to ALL QWidget's in a mixer-strip, which of course includes the QLabel one that displays the track or bus title.
default behavior?
I will try to resolve that issue.
In any case, don't you think that this should be the default behavior of the mixer?
I don't find any drawbacks, and there are improvements.
qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip qtractorAudioMixerMeter,
qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip qtractorMidiMixerMeter {
max-height: 230px;
So even better
With this configuration it allows a minimum space of the plugin box if it is not being used and hide the lower db/% indicator while it is not needed, gaining some more space.
qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip qtractorAudioMixerMeter,

qtractorMixer qtractorMixerStrip qtractorMidiMixerMeter {
max-height: 230px;
min-height: 230px;
maybe this old automatic layout feature might be at stake?... for the better or worse?
@bluebell, I know you're a proud user of this multi-row layout... does it break anything to your side? ofc. you're free for not taking the suggested style-sheet(*.qss) as standard, though having your opinion would be awesome...if it breaks anything on you, just unload the qss to none and your're back to safety ground, hopefully ;)
It doesn't seem to break
It doesn't seem to break anything.
But to get 3 rows on a 1920x1080 display (not possible with standard Qtractor) I use a patch anyway.
patch applied
qtractor >=
hth. thanks
Great! Now I don't have to
Great! Now I don't have to apply that patch anymore. Thx.
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