Sync wav file to several clips and "classic" pitch shifting



I'm new to qtractor, so far I'm really enjoying it, so thanks to the developers.

I've read the applicable parts of the manual and I can't find the answers these somewhat related topics (in my case), so let me please develop.

I want to pitch shift some samples without maintaining the length, as classic hardware/software without pitch shifting algorithms would do. Kind of varying the sample rate (sort of) and interpolating. I cannot find this option in qtractor, is there any way to do that? (in ardour is called something like "pitchshift without preserving lenght").

My second question is sort of related to the first one. Since I couldn't find a way of doing the pitch shifting thing on qtractor, I decided to modify the wav file outside, but since ,afaik, on creation, clip copy the data into an internal buffer, changing the original file will not affect the clip data. I could update the data of one clip by editing its options, making it point to another random file and then making it point back to the original file.

The problem is that since I chop a lot my clips, doing this for each and every chop is not feasible. My question then is, is there any way to refresh (sync) the clip's data accordingly to the current data of the used file? And do it for all (or at least selected) clip referencing this data?

This would really improve my current workflow when editing samples outside qtractor.
Thank you very much.




if I understand it correctly--and might be wrong all the way--you're asking for something that should better be done before hand, that is on the sample audio file level, that is before getting into the qtractor timeline as a clip.

qtractor has this pitch-shifting (1) and time-stretching (2) features that apply to inline audio clips, but I'm afraid that's not you really asking, at all: you want something arcane as resampling and not quite pitchshiting, as understood in modern parlane.

so nope, on both accounts.

but wait, there's probably some workaround for the rescue: old-school samplers, like yours truly samplv1 ?



  • (1) changing pitch without changing length;
  • (2) changing length without changing pitch.

Hello hth, thank you very much for your reply.

Yeah, exactly, that's what I want, I fact I come from the world of samplers. I was interested in arranging my samples in the timeline (instead of sequencing through midi), just to be able to do things I'm not able to do with a sampler, and just for the inspiration of doing thing differently. Sometimes, being able to pitch the old school way, has it's advantages, and sometimes the idea comes after it is in the track as a clip. I don't think it's arcane at all, it's pretty standard as far as I know (to me, the arcane and magic stuff are (1) and (2), amazing).

In fact, my idea for tonight was to install samplv1 and have some fun with it, but I just wanted to know how far I would be able to get without using a sampler.

For the most part though, I'm really enjoying qtractor, I mean, I've always dodged the use of daws until I found qtractor, I don't know why, it's working for me.

Thank you very much!


thanks, but then again I might be wrong

my handle is not "hth" which I meant as short for "hope that helps", or am I being just pedantic?



LOL, I was going to put rncbc but then thought that hth was your signing name, I'm sorry LOL, not pedantic at all rncbc, it's me, I'm not used to forum's hargon.

Now on the serious side, it would be super nice to be able to, with a menu item or something, open the file referenced by the clip in an external editor and on save, reload that file in all clips that instantiate it, it would open the path for handy little (or big) edits on wav files already sequenced. Just a though. Anyway, thanks and sorry for the confusion.



been requested since dawn, probably ad nauseam...

that meaning two decades old already, even before audacity got the into the limelight ;)

so, sorry again, no cigar :)

ps. i'd only wish back then rezound would ever come up from the dead :)


Well this surprises me since, given the overall complexity of this project, it kinds of look simple (from the ignorance, and with all the respect for the developers) to just call an external editor pointing to the file, and once the editor is closed, refresh the buffer of the clip with the contents of the modified file, kind of scripting territory here (unix style you know). Again, I'm totally unaware of the complexity of this feature, and by no means I want to disrespect the developers involved in this amazing project, it's really good as it is. I don't feel skillful enough to implement it myself but who knows :), that would be the route if I was coherent isn't it?

BTW I'll take a look to that audio editor since I'm currently using wavosaour through wine but it feels wrong if there are native options. Thank you very much.

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