

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

clips added to a template don't stick during startup.


I've set up a template with the intention of using it as the start point for most projects. It includes a mixer setup with auxes and a impulse reverb.
So far so good, although the signal chain with the Master at the top of the chain, instead of the end had me scratching my head for a while. (I simply ignored the Master buss altogether, and created a new "master" at the end. Problem solved, I hope.)

Anyway, I've added a short one bar clip to the start of each track, and they contain initial data like CC settings and so on.

Qtractor Debian build fails from git


OS: AVLinux (AVL-MXDE) 23.1 with p[ipewire installed by default.

The error message when running dpkg-buildpackage:

dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pipewire-0.3/jack/libjack.so.0 (used by debian/qtractor/usr/bin/qtractor)
Hint: check if the library actually comes from a package.

dh_shlibdeps: error: dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/qtractor.substvars debian/qtractor/usr/lib/qtractor/qtractor_plugin_scan debian/qtractor/usr/bin/qtractor returned exit code 255

More than one ghost track (Feature Rquest)


In the musical process of inputting midi for complex chords, counterpoint, fugue, and so on, it would be immensely useful to see more than one ghost track at a time.

If we could select, say, 3, or 4, it would give the user a quick and more complete picture of which notes he or she put where, and result in quicker workflow. (imho)

Something like:

Hold the CTRL key down when opening the ghost track popup window, to hold it open, then selecting/ticking a number of tracks, before releasing the CTRL key, closing the window, and continuing on.


Utility: Plugins in Qtractor Session


If you want to share a session, you must inform the recipient which plugins are running on it. Many times, that recipient is your future self.
It is unpleasant to open a session and see that installed plugins are missing.

Collecting session plugins by hand is tedious.

If what you want to share is a template (.qtt), you must also specify those plugins that are disabled. However, in the case of projects, shutdowns can be ignored.

For this I have developed a small html5 application. I'm including it as an attachment in case you find it useful.

Unwanted connections


Every time I open one of my qtractor projects, the first thing I need to do is to disconnect "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo" from qtractor's Master/in.

I can't find any way within qtractor to remove this automatic connection, and I remember Carl Irwin mentioning in one of his video tutorials that qtractor always makes this connection whether the user wants it or not.