

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

Questions about Dedicated MIDI Player Outputs


Hello again,

I checked this option under Playback and am not seeing any change of behavior against both existing tracks as well as newly created. I thought it might act as some kind of global preference to automate the process of routing MIDI tracks to their own dedicated audio outputs.

Rethinking how I route the things in Qtractor


I've been studying G3N-es' excellent [universal template](https://www.rncbc.org/drupal/comment/9876#comment-9876)

Based on the following screenshot showing the mixer in full-screen mode (shout out to my right-side monitor), I have a few questions I hope to get some feedback and/or opinions on. I've removed the guitar track present in the original template in order to keep things as simple as possible.

Feature Request - Hide non state-related icons from Transport


Hi again,

It would be great to have the ability to remove (or even just hide) the following icons from our beloved transport:

  • Backward
  • Rewind
  • Fast Forward
  • Forward

These icons are different in that they do not represent a current state of things. For example, when looping, the user benefits from seeing the "state" of the loop button. The same is true for Play, Record, etc.... (one could argue the Stop button should follow suit here and be displayed accordingly).

Bug in Tempo Map


A tiny bug - more of a microbe, really - in the Tempo Map. It also applies to the Time toolbar.

In the box where the tempo and time signature are shown, there are up and down arrows which can be used to adjust any of the 3 values shown: tempo, number of beats or type of beat.

However, if any one of these 3 figures is set to its maximum or minimum possible value, then the relevant adjustment arrow is greyed out and unusable not only for that parameter, but for both of the others as well.

Automation of a group of tracks


My basic problem is that I know a hell of a lot about music, and next to nothing about electronic audio processing. So please forgive my occasional queries about what are possibly very elementary things.

I have been using automation of volume in a few places on individual midi tracks, and this works well. But in the latest piece I am putting into qtractor, I would like to automate the volume of the whole ensemble.

I think this can probably be done, but for all my reading of the qtractor manuals and experimenting with buses and aux sends, I can't get anything to work.