Questions about Dedicated MIDI Player Outputs


Hello again,

I checked this option under Playback and am not seeing any change of behavior against both existing tracks as well as newly created. I thought it might act as some kind of global preference to automate the process of routing MIDI tracks to their own dedicated audio outputs.

Aside from the (potentially) global setting, I have additional question about the outcome of right-clicking on a MIDI track and directing the audio signal. Choosing Audo/Dedicated does create a new track-named audio output but that output never become visible (and therefore, usable) in the Mixer's audio outputs section. Is there a particular intention behind this?

All the best



the said "MIDI Player" is not the main engine to the core of the sequencer; it is otherwise the internal player that is used for, yes playing, MIDI files that you may pick on the Files and File System panes...

by default this internal player sends through the first MIDI output bus, usually called "Master Out (MIDI)", where you may insert an instrument plugin to render the audio output (which in turn follows the usual routing for MIDI plugins)


you may opt to dedicated MIDI output ports that you may connect to an external MIDI sound device of your choice (an external or outboard instrument or MIDI sound-module. whatever).



OK, that makes sense. I get what the MIDI player is now and what it does. What about the dedicated audio outputs manually created through the mixer though? Wouldn't it be cool if they were added to the mixer dynamically?

when the MIDI player is set to the default (first) MIDI output bus and thus being rendered by an instrument plugin there inserted, you may well define the audio output bus for the rescue--as usual for plugins that are inserted on a MIDI track/bus plugin chain: last sub-menu entry, "Audio > ...", remember?


There always seems to be a level of confusion between us........ I don't know what it is. If you read my original comment, you'll see I started discussing what we now realize is the "default MIDI player" but moved on to talking about the very thing you're now asking me to look at..... the sub-menu entry of "Audio". As my (now multiple) comments point out, choosing Dedicated creates a new pair of Audio outputs known to Qtractor. I know this because I can see their successful creation in Carla. What I do NOT see however, are those very same outputs made available in the Mixer itself.

There's a few possibilities here:

  1. These are not true "Buses" and the definitions of "Audio Outputs" vs. "Buses" are being blurred? If so, this is weird and needlessly confusing?
  2. These new outputs are in fact real buses and it would be cool to dynamically render them in the Mixer once they are (dynamically) created?

I had written the observation and corresponding suggestion assuming the second option was true.


Let you know that, when it's said "dedicated", it means separate input or output external faced ports, either ALSA Sequencer for MIDI, or JACK for audio; they are NOT regular buses whatsoever, although they are exposed just like as buses would to the external world (from qtractor POV.).

Is that now clear or have I just added gasoline to the confusion fire? :)


Well, it does seem to fit into bucket 1 :)

That said, I think I'll avoid using them all together.

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