the said "MIDI Player" is not the main engine to the core of the sequencer; it is otherwise the internal player that is used for, yes playing, MIDI files that you may pick on the Files and File System panes...
by default this internal player sends through the first MIDI output bus, usually called "Master Out (MIDI)", where you may insert an instrument plugin to render the audio output (which in turn follows the usual routing for MIDI plugins)
you may opt to dedicated MIDI output ports that you may connect to an external MIDI sound device of your choice (an external or outboard instrument or MIDI sound-module. whatever).
the said "MIDI Player" is not the main engine to the core of the sequencer; it is otherwise the internal player that is used for, yes playing, MIDI files that you may pick on the Files and File System panes...
by default this internal player sends through the first MIDI output bus, usually called "Master Out (MIDI)", where you may insert an instrument plugin to render the audio output (which in turn follows the usual routing for MIDI plugins)
you may opt to dedicated MIDI output ports that you may connect to an external MIDI sound device of your choice (an external or outboard instrument or MIDI sound-module. whatever).