

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

Audio settimgs


Hi, I have installed qtractor for some time, I had some difficulties at the beginning, I couldn't record, it was a question of input and output device settings, now I have set both input and output in "System" on the left I see the microphone symbol and the USB speakers on the right, I can record the audio track but I only hear it in the headphones (connected to the sound card) while I don't hear anything from the USB speakers. where am I wrong?



I created this topic so that we have a place to share templates and examples.

I propose these plugins so that we all have by default.
This makes it easy to share projects and ensure that all templates and examples work on any computer.
The list is designed to cover any workflow with easy handling and low CPU demand.
If someone needs a specific plugin that is not included in the list, it will be enough for them to specify it when sharing.

Tempo map changes and automation


I have a project that consists of several midi tracks. I added some automation to the volume of some of these tracks. Unfortunately, I have found that if I then make any alteration to the tempo map - e.g. slightly adjusting the tempo of a section - the automation ends up in the wrong place in the music.

Automation : plugin's with a lot of parameters don't fit on display.


In Qtractor I often do use the fantastic Surge-XT Synthesizer Plugin.
Surge is one of those plugins with a lot of parameters available for automation.

When I go to the track's automation button > select > Surge XT, a part of all available parameters don't fit on my 27 inch ( 2560 x 1440 pixel ) display.
It's almost impossible to select parameters outside the display.
A workaround could be to change to a smaller 'base font size' in Qtractor options ( F12 ) > tab Display, but this is not ideal because all fonts used in Qtractor become small, almost unreadable.

Metronome by default


Dear Rui

One frustration that I found irritating in Qtractor is that the default metronome does not come pre-installed with sound. Every time he installed he had to find or create a "clip" and a "clap".

Especially the first time, because you don't understand what's happening... the perception is simply that the metronome doesn't work.

Thinking especially about new users, could pre-configured "clip" and "clap" sounds be included in the installation?

It would only be a few more kbts.

Qtractor deb installer [ for > 0.9.36 ]


Hi there Best Rui,

Please if possible, would you be so kind to provide or add a qtractor installer for the debian based linux distro's ?
Being a dummy, not using the appImage but prefering a qtractor_0.9.36.deb installer....
Didn't find it at : https://www.rncbc.org/drupal/node/2485

Please make my day :-)
Kindly, Thank you ! Luc.