

Qtractor - A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer

Qtractor DOES work with sidechain


Tutorial and Examples Proyects:

It's as simple as creating a bus with extras chanels.
These extra channels are occupied by the sidechain.
Then with inserts we route the signal to the sidechain.

We all thought it wasn't possible, but since version 9.35 inserts work more reliably... there is no problem creating these types of flows.

Easy articulation


After adding music to a track via MIDI keyboard, the material of course needs editing. Changing the "velocity" of individual notes to give a better shape to phrases is easy, and the result is easily tested.

What is much more difficult, I find, is adjusting the length of notes to produce a convincing legato or articulated effect. Although qtractor has a marvellous array of tools for editing midi tracks, it doesn't seem to have an easy way to to do this.

Qtz files do not package lv2 plugins


Hello Rui

In the manual it indicates the following:
"4.13.3. Archives
Qtractor has a zipped archive format, .qtz, which collects together all the information needed to
play the session elsewhere, such as settings, connections, plugins (LV2 only)."

However the plugins seem not to be packaged.
I don't know if it is a feature that was removed.

This functionality could help create "templates" that can be shared with the already integrated workflow.

Suggested Functionality: Import, Export, Invert Automations


Qtractor does not allow lateral sending. However, if we could import audios as automations (by converting the waveform to midi values), and invert them, this same functionality could be achieved in a simple way.

I say simple, because then we would not be tied to multi-channel sends, which we know create conflicts and complicate the workflow.



Over the years there has been the age old problem of trying to get a full orchestra playing in a DAW using various workarounds - the great Carl Irwin has dedicated much time to making qsynth, qsampler, carla and fantasia achieve the full orchestra - even using inserts to keep everything in house. The ultimate issue was the 16 midi channel limit.

VST3 (?) midi plugin out of tune


Recently I tried the latest qtractor (0.9.35, tried both appimage from sourceforge and compiling from source) and noticed that the sound is out of tune. I'm using the sfizz VST3 plugin, and using the default instrument as examples, the A4 440Hz became higher A#4-ish 478.91Hz. I also noticed that the sfizz LV2 plugin is not affected and function normally. The previous version of qtractor works fine however.