Suggested Functionality: Import, Export, Invert Automations


Qtractor does not allow lateral sending. However, if we could import audios as automations (by converting the waveform to midi values), and invert them, this same functionality could be achieved in a simple way.

I say simple, because then we would not be tied to multi-channel sends, which we know create conflicts and complicate the workflow.

Maybe Qtractor would be the only DAW that works "side sends" in this way, but maybe all daws should have always done it this way, because it is a more understandable workflow, and besides, what is always intended with a side send is precisely that, AUTOMATIZE.

I understand that if it has not been done this way as standard it is because DAWs have tried to emulate analog workflows of physical machines. But I insist, maybe it has been a mistake, since the digital flow has its own section for these tasks, which is automation.

I don't know how complex it would be to implement this functionality, and I don't know if you see the same logical sense in it.



this all sounds a lot like CV ... sorry to tell, it's not in the current plans... nor in the foreseeable ones, sorry again. :S

if you can, may you elaborate a bit more on the idea? in one way it seems like an audio-to-MIDI envelope-follower or detector might do the trick? or else, maybe I'm off and completely missing the point?



Yes, that was more or less the idea.

I have checked that the automation, being a midi document, I can edit it from the midi editor by selecting the Controller Volume 7.
For that I import the automation as a track, and then "save as", overwriting the file.
It's a bit cumbersome, but this way I can get the import and export functionality.

Here I would suggest to include a functionality in
Clip>Tools>Re-scale> INVERTING
This would allow descending where it originally ascended and vice versa.

To invert the automation it is as simple as:
127 - ($Value-to-re-scale)

This applied each of the selected values would give an inverse wave of automation.

There must be some plugin or software made that allows to do this, if I can't find it maybe I could try to do it myself.
The solution would be to take a volume date for each beat and write it as "midi Controller 7 volume".

I see interesting to include the Clip>Tools>Re-scale> INVERTING functionality.
I leave it for your consideration.

Another approach to automations could be the drivers, as it happens in Blender or Vitalium. That is, being able to associate any output value to any input value. I know this is already too complex to ask.

So I'm going to keep thinking, investigating, and learning.
Let's see if in the future, instead of suggesting functionalities, I'll be able to contribute some code. : )

To invert the automation it is as simple as:
127 - ($Value-to-re-scale)

Being a MIDI Clip Tool, this would only apply to:
a. performance MIDI events; not exactly to automation curves;
b. the new Invert option would only apply to event values, not time; in this case what should be done about pitchbend events [-8191..+8191] or to 14bit valued events (CC14, RPN, NRPN; [0..16383]), which aren't in the suggested range [0..127] ?

is this correct?


Yes, that is correct. In that case, we should first average the range and value to percentage. (I had not noticed).

100 - ($Percentage-value-to-re-scale)

The practical use I intend to be able to emulate Auto Duck or parallel compression effects, copying values from one track to another and then invert.

But I'm sure there are infinite other uses for this function. Invert gradients of expression in a precise way in specific sections, experimental effects, etc.

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