Imagine being able to pull down several faders at once? Of course, it would (most likely) mean moving tracks around (in order to assign to a group) would need to be possible. Track groups would also need to be persisted in the project's config file.
Re. Feature Request: Group Tracks in Mixer
If you look closely, Qtractor already comes with that feature.
Qtractor buses are not really traditional buses, but groups.
Group: Tracks that share the same input and output.
Bus: Channel with input and output where signals can be sent.
The closest thing to a traditional bus in Qtractor is using inserts in a track.
If you want a group, create a bus, that is your group. Assign the tracks you want to that bus.
This is certainly interesting
This is certainly interesting. Playing it out though, I'm not sure I really get it. Let's break things down to the lowest common denominator using 1 instrument.
Unless what you're advocating here is eliminating step 1?
re. This is certainly interesting
Q. How would the signal from Piano bus be sent to the Instruments bus?
A. insert an Aux-Send on the Piano bus and direct it to the Instruments bus.
nb. the later needs to be _after_ the former in the bus listing order.
I'll mess with this in order
I'll mess with this in order to get a sense of how it feels. Very interesting. I'm assuming that aux send would be set to 100%
re. mess[ing] with this in order...
the Aux-Send insert has this single "Send Gain" parameter, where a value of 1.0 means 100% alright!
you may wish to tweak it all the way from 0.0 to 4.0 ;)
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