More than one ghost track (Feature Rquest)


In the musical process of inputting midi for complex chords, counterpoint, fugue, and so on, it would be immensely useful to see more than one ghost track at a time.

If we could select, say, 3, or 4, it would give the user a quick and more complete picture of which notes he or she put where, and result in quicker workflow. (imho)

Something like:

Hold the CTRL key down when opening the ghost track popup window, to hold it open, then selecting/ticking a number of tracks, before releasing the CTRL key, closing the window, and continuing on.



Export the midi tracks you want to track in midi0 format.

This will create a single midi file with all the notes you want to have for reference.
Import the track and select it as Ghost.

I think it is quite friendly and intuitive. It takes less than a minute to do it.

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