clips added to a template don't stick during startup.


I've set up a template with the intention of using it as the start point for most projects. It includes a mixer setup with auxes and a impulse reverb.
So far so good, although the signal chain with the Master at the top of the chain, instead of the end had me scratching my head for a while. (I simply ignored the Master buss altogether, and created a new "master" at the end. Problem solved, I hope.)

Anyway, I've added a short one bar clip to the start of each track, and they contain initial data like CC settings and so on.

The problem is, when i save this template, and set it as the opening default when Qtractor starts up, it all loads, except the clips. They're nowhere to be found.

When I open that template deliberately, AFTER Qtractor starts up, then all the clips are present.

Is this by design, or do I have to do something extraordinary to make the clips stick?

The setting i refer to is in: View/Options/General/ and says "New Session Template". (with a tickbox)


please, templates don't have content nor media material, never did, never will, only structural items, tracks, buses, plugins, etc. but not/never clips.

even though you might set a regular session as the "New Session Template" option alright, it will get stripped of all content (ie. clips) when you start a new session.

now you know :)


ok, thanks Rui.

Does this also apply if I set a normal (non-template) project as the startup default?


Hehe, ok, I didn't read your reply carefully enough.

In reply to by alextone


I can think of a solution for what you need.

Leave that file in qtr format.
Give it read-only permissions, so you can't overwrite it.

Edit your qtractor launcher by adding the path to the file. So every time you open Qtractor it will appear by default.

Now "save as" .qtz


This reveals a small bug.
If "save" saves its path to the session file, "save as" should also do so, and not leave the initial path of the original file.

If I "save as" in another directory, I understand that the old clips conserve the old path, but the new ones should pay attention to the current path of the session file, which should not be that of the original file, but the path itself.


probably not:

the session directory (aka. session folder) is not always the same as the directory (folder) where the session file (.qtr) is saved; iow. all paths stored in a session file are set relative to the designated session directory, which might not be exactly where the session file is saved.



I have managed to understand the logic you propose, it has been difficult for me. :)
But yes, it has a solid logical framework.

However, the new ".qtr" retains the name of the original session and not its own.
I no longer find logic in this.
Example new sessiĆ³n "save as: NewSession":

<session version="Qtractor 0.9.38" name="Original">


session name and session directory are properties of the session; cf. main menu File > Properties...

neither are inferred from the path nor the file-name that is being saved to the file-system.

clear now?


It's clear to me.

I add. You devised a standardized (xml) and editable session file.

That allows anyone to organize their sessions however they prefer.

So there's no real downside to Qtractor's "save as" working the way it does.

I like to bring logical questions to the table. I consider it enriching. It's just for that.

Thanks for everything.

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