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Test [xbuses2]

Commit 3171791:
I'm working on a new song without incident.
It seems that the indirect loop suppressor fixes the bugs that were coming up.

Let's see if anyone else is willing to do some testing so that we have more guarantees.

I'll keep working with this branch to detect any incidents.

Since we're working on sending, I'm going to suggest a new request.

Sending signals from the output of an output bus to the input of an input bus still fails (at least in pipewire) if there are no intermediaries (Carla external etc.).
The first commit of the xaudio-bus-aux branch seemed to fix this.

It's useful for many things, mainly for exporting the song without having to resort to external recorders.

I'm not really asking you to fix it, just to take a look at it. Maybe there was always a small bug there that prevented it and with all this it comes to light and can be solved.
If this is not the case and we still don't know the cause, it's not worth fixing.

As always, I leave it to you to consider.

rncbc's picture


it would be very interesting if you do all your tests, on both branches, [xbuses2]( and [xaudio-bus-aux](, independently of course, starting from the same baseline, a new scratch session or one that is untouched by any of these experimental builds (remember to do backups and name or testing sessions wisely ;))

btw. the deeper cyclic/loop detection and avoidance is now also in effect in xaudio-bus-aux.

Sending signals from the output of an output bus to the input of an input bus still fails (at least in pipewire) if there are no intermediaries (Carla external etc.). The first commit of the xaudio-bus-aux branch seemed to fix this.

that's strange,... both branches do nothing in this regard, at least directly; are you really saying that xaudio-bus-aux fixed it in an earlier commit (and now it doesn't anymore)? or am I misunderstanding the whole story?


__ test-xbuses2_ab3bcd5 __

1_ AUXsend Audio:
They never lose the signal.
"Master Default" only once loses the plugins>fader>vumeter chain when creating a new send.
Setting the send to none and assigning it again fixes the issue.
I have not been able to reproduce the error any more times.

2_ AUXsend Midi: No issues.

3_ Rename/Delete Audio/Midi Buses: No issues.

4_ Direct connection between buses without AUXsend: Not possible

__ test-xaudio-bus-aux_1773e51 __

1_ AUXsend Audio: No issues.

2_ AUXsend Midi: No issues.

3_ Rename/Delete Audio/Midi Buses: May cause you to have to reactivate the AUXsend in audio.

4_ Direct connection between buses without AUXsend:
Only sometimes possible.
Only from the Master Default bus.
BusInExport suffers from the plugins>fader>vumeter chain loss incident

Generally speaking, both work.
Errors are unpredictable.
Even though all the tests are positive, it does not guarantee that it cannot fail on another occasion.

"that's strange,... both branches do nothing in this regard, at least directly; are you really saying that xaudio-bus-aux fixed it in an earlier commit (and now it doesn't anymore)? or am I misunderstanding the whole story?"

__ [xaudio-bus-aux] commit 7de6ac9 Sep 15, 2024 __

Sending signal from Master to Export.

The signal is not displayed on the VU meter.

However, the "TRACK Export" is
receiving a signal.

I have tested with more buses and
only the "Master Default Bus" is able to
send a signal.

I don't know if there is a previous commit
that was squashed, because I remember being
able to send signal from any bus, without
the plugins>fader>vu meter disabled issue.

I continue testing the current commits of the [xbuses2] and [xaudio-bus-aux] branches.

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rncbc's picture

is this the commit where it's seen working (in the BusDirectoBus.gif) ? it's still there alright--it was not squashed--so you can reset to it temporarily (git reset --soft 7de6ac9) rebuild and confirm...

i've tried to replicate it with this commit exactly and the "Export out"->"Master in" doesn't work, as ever before; the same with all main, develop, xbuses2 and xaudio-bus-aux heads.

so, can you still reproduce it?

"is this the commit where it's seen working (in the BusDirectoBus.gif) ?"
Yes, as indicated in the gif: [xaudio-bus-aux] commit 7de6ac9 Sep 15, 2024

However, I think there was an earlier commit that was squashed where direct bus forwarding worked fine. I think, I'm not sure.

"so, can you still reproduce it?"
As I indicate in:

__ test-xaudio-bus-aux_1773e51 __
4_ Direct connection between buses without AUXsend:
Only sometimes possible.
Only from the Master Default bus.
BusInExport suffers from the plugins>fader>vumeter chain loss incident


Anyway, that's a minor thing. I see that the behavior is not clear.
We can ignore the direct sending between buses.

rncbc's picture

many thanks for the testing and comparison

re. 4 Direct connection between buses without AUXsend results are not actually important and completely orthogonal to the issue at hand, as as they're related exclusively to external loops, on connecting output->input jack-ports directly of the same jack-client (qtractor).


rncbc's picture

hi, sorry to bother you again,

something come out in the mean time re. alleged old/new session compatibility to xbuses2 branch which wasn't quite right...

good news are: new commit 6ed844f tries to fix said allegation; bad news are that it might invalidate (hopefully not) some of your findings and testings :S

it would be awesome if you take the plunge again, granted it's now into xbuses2 alone and see if you find any inconsistencies...

nb. opening sessions that were saved under the previous xbuses2 head are granted to mess up the perceptual (UI) and procedural (DSP) order of the audio output buses, so it is here recommended for you to redo all the testings from scratch, if possible.

wholly thanks again for all the patience you had; no hard feelings, quite the contrary ;)


I think we have a candidate.
I haven't been able to get her to fail.
I'm attaching a test project.


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rncbc's picture

great! thanks

so, it's official then :)

if no blockers appear until then, maybe today the xbuses2 solution will merge into develop and main.

thanks a lot. cheers

UPDATE: it's live now, in develop and main: qtractor >=

If before Qtractor was the DAW that made normal tasks intuitive, and allowed to do the complex ones.
Now Qtractor is the DAW that makes any task intuitive, whether simple or complex.


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