Show-off my open-source stuff, mostly of the Linux Audio/MIDI genre

Qtractor 0.8.2 - A Stickier Tauon release

And now for something ultimately pretty much expected: the Qstuff* pre-LAC2017 release frenzy wrap up!

Qtractor 0.8.2 (a stickier tauon) is released!


  • Track-name uniqueness is now being enforced, by adding an auto-incremental number suffix whenever necessary.
  • Attempt to raise an internal transient file-name registry to prevent automation/curve files to proliferate across several session load/save (re)cycles.
  • Track-height resizing now meets immediate visual feedback.
  • A brand new user preference global option is now available: View/Options.../Plugins/Editor/Select plug-in's editor (GUI) if more than one is available.
  • More gradient eye-candy on main track-view and piano-roll canvases, now showing left and right edge fake-shadows.
  • Fixed the time entry spin-boxes when changing time offset or length fields in BBT time format that goes across any tempo/time-signature change nodes.
  • French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).

Vee One Suite 0.8.2 - The Pre-LAC2017 Release frenzy continues...

The Qstuff* pre-LAC2017 release frenzy continues...

The Vee One Suite of old-school software instruments, respectively synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer and drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler, are all joining the traditional pre-LAC release frenzy!

All available in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

The common change-log for this second batch release goes as follows:

  • A custom knob/spin-box behavioral option have been added: Configure/Knob edit mode, as to avoid abrupt changes upon editing values (still the default behavior) and only take effect (Deferred) when enter is pressed or the spin-box loses focus.
  • The main GUI has been partially revamped, after replacing some rotary knob/dial combos with kinda more skeuomorphic fake-LED radio-buttons or check-boxes.
  • A MIDI In(put) status fake-LED is now featured on the bottom-left status bar, adding up to eye-candy as usual (applies to all); also, each drum element key/sample now have their own fake-LED flashing on respective MIDI note-on/off events (applies to drumkv1 only).
  • Alias-free/band-limited wavetable oscillators have been fixed to prevent cross-octave, polyphonic interference. (applies to synthv1 only).
  • A brand new and specific user preference option is now available as Help/Configure.../Options/Use GM standard drum names (default being yes/true/on; applies to drumkv1 only).

The QStuff* Pre-LAC2017 Release frenzy started...


The Qstuff* pre-LAC2017 release frenzy is getting started...

Enjoy the first batch, more to come and have fun!

Vee One Suite 0.8.1 - A Spring'17 release

Great news!

The Vee One Suite of old-school software instruments, respectively synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer and drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler, are once again out in the wild!

Still available in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

The common change-log for this dot release follows:

  • Fixed a probable old miss about changing spin-box and drop-down list not reflecting changes immediately into the respective parameter dial knobs.
  • Fixed middle-button clicking on the dial-knobs to reset to the current default parameter value.
  • Help/Configure.../Options/Use desktop environment native dialogs option is now set initially off by default.
  • Added French man page (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).
  • Make builds reproducible byte for byte, by getting rid of the configure build date and time stamps.

The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

So here they go, thrice again!

Qtractor 0.8.1 - The Sticky Tauon is out!

Hello everybody!

Qtractor 0.8.1 (sticky tauon) is out!

Release highlights:

  • JACK Transport mode switching on main menu/tool-bar (NEW)
  • Main menu Track/Navigate/Next, Previous wrap around (FIX)
  • Auto-backward play-head position flip-flopping (FIX)
  • JACK Transport tempo/time-signature in-flight changes (FIX)
  • Sanitized audio clip zoom-in/out resolution (FIX)

Obviously, this is one dot bug-fix release and everyone is then compelled to upgrade. On the side, a couple of notes are also worthy of mention...

Besides some other stray thoughts, you may be asking yourself, after reading those crappy release highlights above, what the heck that "in-flight" tempo / time-signature change-fix is all about?

No stress. There's always a reason, as if reason won't ever prevail, above all else...

So, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, should here be told: jack_link is the dang reason. And then, you may now know and play the badass with Ableton Link. Keep in mind that jack_link is kind of a toy, so please, have it under a child's perspective ;)

You can still play all along with your band fellows, don't get me wrong. You all have to be on the same machine or in the same local network segment (LAN) anyway, just like qmidinet does (and recommends). But that's probably one hell of a disparate story, although sharing the same networking concept... move along!

Whatever. When in doubt, please ask me. Whenever you find yourself in despair, you can also ask me. But take note that I made no promises nor guarantees that it would ever work for you. And this goes as far as in any formal disclaimer can go.

The hard truth is: your are on your own. But please, enjoy and have (lots of) fun while you're at it ;)

As second note, this project has finally called in for its own vanity and internet domain name: I guess it was about time.

Nuff said.


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