Show-off my open-source stuff, mostly of the Linux Audio/MIDI genre

The QStuff* Pre-LAC2018 Release Frenzy!


The Qstuff* Pre-LAC2018 release frenzy is now officially started...

Enjoy the first batch, more to come!


QjackCtl - JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface

QjackCtl 0.5.1 (pre-lac2018) is released!

QjackCtl is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server, for the Linux Audio infrastructure.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • Half a decade later, recent new custom entries may now get removed from Session Infra-client list.
  • Some rather old, better said "Cambric explosion era", user preference options have been ditched altogether: Display / Time Format; Display / Shiny glass light effect; Display / Connections/Draw connections and patchbay lines as Bezier curves; Misc/Configure as temporary server.
  • A brand new and way long overdue connections Graph widget is finally introduced, only to be accessible through the context menu at this time.
  • Extended multi-selection is now supported on all Connections client/port lists, allowing for multiple (dis)connections at once.
  • Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic when the display server platform is not X11.
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.

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Qsynth - A fluidsynth Qt GUI Interface

Qsynth 0.5.1 (pre-lac2018) is released!

Qsynth is a FluidSynth GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic when the display server platform is not X11.
  • Fixed deprecated calls to fluid_synth_get_channel_info(), fluid_synth_set_midi_router() and fluid_settings_getstr() (as signaled on libfluidsynth >= 1.1.9).
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.

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Qsampler - A LinuxSampler Qt GUI Interface

Qsampler 0.5.1 (pre-lac2018) is released!

Qsampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic when the display server platform is not X11.
  • Fixed device management dialog not responding to user changes.
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.
  • Fixed minor memory leak in device management dialog.
  • Fixed unnecessary latency when closing app.

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QXGEdit - A Qt XG Editor

QXGEdit 0.5.1 (pre-lac2018) is released!

QXGEdit is a live XG instrument editor, specialized on editing MIDI System Exclusive files (.syx) for the Yamaha DB50XG and thus probably a baseline for many other XG devices.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • Corrected wrong handling of the MULTIPART Detune parameter.
  • Trying to get CC14 MSB+LSB (course+fine) running status on, no matter whether each pairing event are under 200ms apart.
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.

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QmidiNet - A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast

QmidiNet 0.5.1 (pre-lac2018) is released!

QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives MIDI data (ALSA-MIDI and JACK-MIDI) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast. Inspired by multimidicast and designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for Windows.


Project page:


Git repos:


  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.

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All of the Qstuff* are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.


Enjoy && have (lots of) fun!

Qtractor 0.9.0 - An Early Spring'18 Release


Qtractor 0.9.0 (early spring'18 beta) is now released!

The change-log for this spring-time release goes as follows:

  • New View/Options.../Plugins/Experimental/Show plugins on track list/left pane option is in effect on tracks that are tall enough in height for their plugins list to fit on the Bus column.
  • Fixed a day-zero bug over the MIDI Insert (Send/Return) pseudo-plugin, which was duplicating MIDI events onto the next LV2 plugin in chain, causing strange hanging notes, mutes, retriggerings and what not.
  • MIDI track and clip note min/max range display now fixed.
  • MIDI Program Change events (PC) now have their proper program number as parameter, instead of value, on the internal MIDI event representation.
  • Merging MIDI clips while on SMF Format 0 has been fixed: was merging always onto the same MIDI channel (2), most often the wrong one, resulting in an empty or blank clip.
  • When importing from standard MIDI files (SMF), set track names from Mtrk TRACKNAME meta-events instead of filename.
  • Avoid asking to save as to existing or just newly created clip file-names, whenever possible.
  • Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic when the display server platform is not X11.
  • Whether to use native file browser/requester dialogs is now an effective option when launching under NSM session management (was once disabled initially).
  • Content files are now saved as symlinks when saving to JACK and/or NSM session directories/folders.
  • Trying to get CC14 MSB+LSB (course+fine) running status on, no matter whether each pairing event are under 200ms apart.
  • Possible VST plug-in GUI reparenting hack/fix on Qt5/Xcb.

Vee One Suite 0.9.0 - The End of Winter'18 release

Ahoy there!

The Vee One Suite of so called old-school software instruments, synthv1, as a polyphonic subtractive synthesizer, samplv1, a polyphonic sampler synthesizer, drumkv1 as yet another drum-kit sampler and padthv1 as a polyphonic additive synthesizer, are once again released just before the season ends.

All available still in dual form:

  • a pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support;
  • a LV2 instrument plug-in.

The changes for this end-of-season goes as follows:

  • Introducing Scala micro-tuning classes, borrowed, stirred and refactored from original Nick Dowell's amsynth code, all under the GPL umbrella, of course.
  • An internal note-key/frequency indirection table is now in place, as a baseline for any micro-tuning implementations.
  • Whether to use native file browser/requester dialogs is now an effective option when launching under NSM session management (was once disabled initially).
  • Initializing and/or requesting a New blank preset doesn't open a sample file picker dialog anymore as it was more than nagging while under on NSM sessions. (applies to samplv1 only).
  • Trying to get CC14 MSB+LSB (course+fine) running status on, no matter whether each pairing event are under 200ms apart.
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.

The Vee One Suite are free, open-source Linux Audio software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 or later.

rtirq update - 2018 edition

Hi there!

Almost 3 years after the last time, rtirq has been updated!

No big deal whatsoever just that scheduling policies and priorities are now reset/stop to SCHED_FIFO and 50, respectively. In fact there's no urge to update at all; the previous versions are still good to have around ;) It's just that things get a bit more politely correct on "reset" and/or "stop" modes.

The original packages available here:


nb. the rtirq init-script/systemd-service only makes sense on real-time preemptive (PREEMPT_RT) or threadirqs enabled GNU/Linux kernels.

Cheers && Enjoy!

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Qtractor 0.8.6 - A Winter'18 Release!

Hey there!

Qtractor 0.8.6 (winter'18 beta) is out!

Not just special, maybe not even great or awesome but kind of huge thanks to Andreas Müller and Holger Dehnhardt for their intrepid contributions in code for this one significant notch up towards mythical v1.0 -- hell will break loose and freeze in the process, mind you and then, who cares? :)

As they say, and without further ado...

Change-log for this epic release:

  • Added LV2_UI_updateRate option support.
  • Added brand new option to deactivate plugins only if they can produce sound cf. main menu Track/Auto Deactivate (by Andreas Müller aka. schnitzeltony, thanks).
  • Workaround native file dialogs hang up by setting parent widget to NULL; it should be noted that dialogs now get an own entry in the task-bar (also by Andreas Müller aka. schnitzeltony, thanks).
  • Added ARM NEON acceleration support (by Andreas Müller aka. schnitzeltony, thanks).
  • Track count "limit" and a "Delta" mode flag, for momentary and encoded controllers support, have been added to MIDI Controllers generic mapping (cf. View/Controllers...; after an original pull-request by Holger Dehnhardt, thanks).
  • A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side.
  • Pinned current/hi-lighted track dangling after removal.
  • An anti-flooding timer is now in place in MIDI Controller assignment (aka. MIDI learn) dialog.
  • Add MMC Track input monitor support.
  • New user preference option: View/Options.../General/Options /Reverse keyboard modifiers role (Shift/Ctrl), applied to main transport re-positioning commands: Transport/Backward, Forward, etc.
  • VST Time/Transport information is now also updated as on playing when in audio export aka. freewheeling mode.
  • LXVST_PATH environment variable now takes precedence over VST_PATH as Linux-native VST plug-ins search path.
  • MIDI Controllers mapped to non-toggling shortcuts now work as one-shot triggers, independent of MIDI event value.


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