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Ability to change the midi channel for each sample

I want to route the output of my each sample to multiple midi bus.
Is it possible with drumkv1 ?

Evertime I change the midi channel, it applie to all samples.


I use now an x42 plugin called : MIDI Keysplit.
I put the right channel for the range of midi notes ( 34 to xx )

No it's not working....

rncbc's picture

no, it is not possible. sorry.

and why would you want to do such a thing?

i would argue that you'd want to split the output each element/sample to separate audio (pcm) buses, but asking for that on MIDI is kinda a nonsense, moreover when the instrument doesn't output any MIDI: it only takes MIDI input by definition.


I really like this drum machine.... It is include in the roadmap to change channel for each samples ?

rncbc's picture

no it is not in the (any) plans either...
so sorry

and, on the other note, apologies for the correction, one can hardly call it a "drum machine"
maybe more like a drum kit rompler? with special synth-fx? ;)
cheers && thanks