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Yoshimi LV2 patches not restoring

I've been using yoshimi as an LV2 plugin successfully for the last couple of years but have run into a problem this week - the patch settings are not restoring correctly when I use my standard template. The attached qtzs both have the first 3 tracks set to Bass/Bass 1, Bass/Bass 2 and Bass/Bass 3 (analog), as you can see in the qts's. However, they behave differently.

This was created from a bare file and restores correctly.

This uses my standard template. On loading, only Track 1's patch restores; both Track 2 and Track 3 default to arpeggio1, the first patch in the list (your version of yoshimi may have different patches though).

Is something in my template causing a conflict? I've been trying to track down the cause of this (creating new yoshimi instances, as opposed to dragging/dropping between tracks; using different MIDI channels (have had problems with other LV2 plugins previously); resetting yoshimi's default patch directory etc.) but it seems to be something in the template. I've been using various versions of the template for a long time with no such problems.

I'm running Qtractor 0.8.0 (though the problem happened on versions from a couple of weeks ago) and Yoshimi 1.3.9M (which has been fine up until this week).

Thanks as ever.

Binary Data Test_YoshRestore.qtz11.85 KB
Binary Data Test_YoshRestoreTemplate.qtz20.78 KB
rncbc's picture

i see.

somehow your template sets PC#1 (MIDI channel program change #1) on almost every MIDI track in place.

now that's really interesting because yoshimi does support MIDI bank/program changes "by nature & standard" (my own wordings:)), as most full-fledged MIDI instruments in the world that stands for that name. too bad that the LV2 plug-in spec is still falling short on that front.

anyway, check that on your original template that every MIDI track is set for Instrument="(no instrument)", Bank="(none)" and most importantly, Program="(none)". note that you'll have to do it at the former or original template level.

thereafter, i guess and hope, things will work just as well :)


Great - that's solved it :-) I see... the info in the Track window was conflicting with yoshimi's settings.

Thanks very much for the swift diagnosis. Now I can get back to composing :-)