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trim or split clip by range


I would like to be able to use qtr's range markers to either trim/crop a selected clip(s) OR split the selected clip(s) into 3 at the range marker positions.

I don't think this is possible currently but I've been mistaken frequently in the past so is this another for the wish list or me missing something?


I'm more concerned with being able to crop a clip to a selected range rather than split into 3 as the latter isn't too taxing to do manually already but it'd still be nice if it could become more automated.

One reason I want this is that if I select a range thats part of an audio clip then copy/paste, qtr copy/pastes the full clip instead of the selected range. Is that its intended behaviour?

rncbc's picture

are you actually selecting a clip range or the entire clip anyway?

the selected range is NOT the interval between the left edit-head and the right edit-tail blue lines. no. you only set it as selected if you hit Edit/Select/Range (or Track Range for affecting clips that are on the current highlighted track only)

the selected clip range(s) always appears as translucent blue region(s); that's what gets copied and pasted--whatever lies between the edit-head/tail have no direct effect here.


Yes, I'm aware that the interval between the edit heads is not the selected range, but if I position the edit heads then choose Edit/Select/Range or Edit/Select/Track Range on an audio clip then copy/paste it always copies the full clip.

rncbc's picture

i'm sorry, but are you saying that the pasted clip(s) are not an exact copy of the translucent blue region(s) which were copied in the first place?

either one of us is missing something...


Yes, thats what I'm saying. under KX (buntu 12.04) amd64

rncbc's picture

question is, can you say it any longer?


rncbc's picture

just make your range or rectangular clip selection and hit Edit/Split (Ctrl+Y).

that's for splitting clips of course. yeah, trimming or cropping is just a matter of clicking on the left(and right)-overs and Edit/Delete

ok i know that's 2 more clicks and mouse moves, so what? :)
