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qsampler & jack

Cannot get qsampler to work with jack. It does work with ALSA.
This is the output i get any ideas
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:4.
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:5.
13:08:40.094 New Channel setup...
13:08:53.692 MIDI ALSA Device 0 created.
Thread: WARNING, can't assign realtime scheduling to thread!
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1401:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
13:09:45.337 Audio JACK Device 0 created.
13:09:58.082 Channel 0 added.
13:09:58.087 Channel 0 Audio device: 0.
13:09:58.090 Channel 0 MIDI device: 0.
13:09:58.094 Channel 0 MIDI port: 0.
13:09:58.098 Channel 0 MIDI channel: 0.
13:09:58.134 Channel 0 lscp_load_engine: Failure during receive operation (errno=-1)
13:09:58.136 lscp_list_channels: Failure during send operation (errno=-1)
EngineBase: WARNING, CONFIG_EG_MIN_RELEASE_TIME too big for current audio fragment size & sampling rate! May lead to click sounds if voice stealing chimes in!
_lscp_client_evt_proc: recv: Connection reset by peer
lscp_client_recv: recv: Connection reset by peer
lscp_client_call: send: Broken pipe
13:09:58.141 Client disconnecting...
13:09:58.155 Client disconnected.
13:09:58.156 Server was stopped with exit status 1.
13:09:58.161 Could not get current list of channels. Sorry.
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
_lscp_client_evt_request: send: Broken pipe
13:10:07.690 Channel 0 Some channel settings could not be set. Sorry.

rncbc's picture

you must have jack up and running before you can even think of creating a linuxsampler client device.

are you sure you have that right? most probably jackd cannot be started because the alsa device is already in use.


I do have jack running.

rncbc's picture

i don't really want to pesk on you, but have you check the other probable reason, something owning the alsa device?

usual suspect might well be pulseaudio.


Got it all working. Gig samples work . SFZ is working had to raise Frames /Period up in jack. Was trying for to low latency. Amazed u can get gig and sfz happening at the same time. Thank You

rncbc's picture

Amazed u can get gig and sfz happening at the same time. ..
you shall thank to whom deserves, the linuxsampler team. although i've been stepping on some shoulders back in early days, and qsampler was indeed the first gui front-end to the beast, real (grunt) work about gig, sf2 and sfz engines, is actually being developed by other giants.

now's time to consider for donation, don't you think? other than money, knowledge and experience is often valued ;)

thanks anyway.