

QjackCtl - JACK Qt GUI Interface

pulseaudio on top of jackd


Hello Rui Nuno

I have just installed the latest pulseaudio release (1.1) on my fedora 15 x86_64 based laptop as it has a better emulation of alsa and it is now possible to route alsa only apps like sunvox into qtractor/ardour.

To do this I needed the four scripts listed at the bottom of this e-mail.

I used Qjackctl to run the scripts with the following entries in the options tab of the settings dialogue:

Execute script on Startup: /home/username/.scripts/pulse-jack-pre-start.sh &

Jackd works but not cannot start with Qjackctl


first of all thanks a lot for your work.

After an upgrade to Ubuntu 11.10, I'm having trouble starting jackd with Qjackctl.
The strange thing is, I CAN start jackd from the command line - with the SAME parameters.

So this works:
* I launch Qjackctl without starting the deamon
* I start jackd from the terminal
/usr/bin/jackd -P 70 -d alsa -r 44100 -p 256 -n 6 -X raw -D -C hw:1,1 -P hw:1,0 -i2 -o2
* I click "start" and now Qjackctl works fine.

This does not work:
* I try to start jackd in Qjackctl with the same settings, I get the messages below.
(sorry for Dutch)

qjackctl on asus-a43s notebook


08:25:29.025 JACK is starting...
08:25:29.025 /usr/bin/jackd -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p256 -n3
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jack server is not running or cannot be started
08:25:29.174 JACK was started with PID=1874.
no message buffer overruns
no message buffer overruns
jackdmp 1.9.7
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2010 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it

QJackCtl xruns indicator


QJackCtl shows 2 numbers for xruns (as I understand it, I could be completely wrong) like this : N (M) . My dim understanding from seeing an email post of yours, is that the left one, N, is an approximation obtained by searching some Jack log file or something, and the one in (M) is from Jack directly (not sure) and is more accurate. In any case, I observe that M > N, often by a large amount, which fits in with the approximation theory. However, if N is really some approximation, and (M) is the true value, why not remove N from the display?

QjackCtl 0.3.8 - Arquivos em falta...


Verifique por favor os arquivos de todos os servidores de downloads do código fonte do qjackctl 3.8 pois alguns estão com alguns arquivos sources necessários para compilação faltando. Tive sucesso na compilação baixando o arquivo do servidor "CDNetworks", Obrigado.

QJackCtl 0.3.8svn700 issues


Dear Rui,

on my system (xubuntu 10.04 32bit) the latest "qjackctl 0.3.8svn700" compiles fine, starts but doesn't connect to jackd in any possible setting, whereas the one version immediatly published before (it is "qjackctl") works great on the same system.

But I guess you already work on a remedy ;-)

Cheers, Michael

P.S. Sorry, too late I realized I posted in the wrong forum's part :-(

qjackctl shutdown question...


This may be a RTFM problem, but i can't seem to figured this out. Is there a way to prevent qjackctl from killing the jack process on 'quit'? I've setup a system such that jack is loaded at boot-time before any visual X11 stuff (audio server)... So having the jack thread stopped isn't desirable.

Configuration Setup Help


I have been working for like 3 days trying to figure out how to get the Line-in to come through the Mic area,
I am running a Internet radio station, I have a 8 channel sound board with sound effects my Boom-mic hooks into that and then a connection from the DJ board goes to the Line-in port in the back of the PC. I have figured out how to get the broadcast to go and I can broadcast the music from the machine just fine , but when I go to talk on the mic all I get is a rasty sound coming out and you cannot understand nothing being said.

qjackctl crashes when stopping jack when Jack client/port aliases set to second


Hello Rui, just to let you know about a strange bug:

I am using qjackctl from SVN with JACK2 from SVN also.

When I select "second" in the Setup>Display tab under "Jack client/port aliases" and then go to my MIDI tab in the connections window and hit "expand all" to see all the tree for my MIDI devices and hit stop (to stop jackd) qjackctl dies with segmentation fault, this only happens in the MIDI tab.
