

QjackCtl - JACK Qt GUI Interface

USB controller does not appear in Midi Tab>Readable Client pane


I'm using a Yamaha KX8 midi controller. The controller is connected to my computer via USB.
The problem I'm experiencing is that when qjackctl is running and the controller is powered on, an entry for my controller does not appear in the Midi Tab>Readable Clients pane.

Could someone tell me what I need to do to make this happen. Assuming it can be done.


[solved]Cannot connect controller to yoshimi via qjackctl


When running qjackctl, the application presents 3 tabs: Audio, Midi, and Alsa.

When I'm running zynaddsubfx, it would appear in the following tabs:

Audio Tab in Readable Client pane
Midi Tab in Writable Clients pane
Alsa Tab in Writable Clients pane

But when I'm using yoshimi, I see the following:

Audio Tab in Readable Clients pane
Midi Tab in Writable Clients pane
Alsa Tab in none.

Problem stopping qjackctl


I installed Lubuntu 12.04 and followed the PrepareForUbuntuStudio on the Ubuntu site.
I start qjackctl (0.3.9), qsynth and qtractor (0.5.5). Then I start the qjackctl (start-button).
I play some songs (works fine) and then I stop qtractor and qsynth.
When I klick the Stop-button I get an error message that there are some still running.
Do you have any clue?

Set correct res_name and res_class under X11.


I really like this software. Recently I started using tiled window manager (xmonad) and found that qjackctl does not set correct parameters WM_CLASS to child windows. His set it all to ("qjackctl", "Qjackctl"). And so it becomes difficult to place the dialogs automatically by WM.
I wrote a small patch (in attachment) that fixes the flaw. All child windows now gets correct res_name: "main", "connections", "messages" etc. It is dirty and ugly, but it is possible that developers will find it a useful.

Problem with qjackctl when using multiple devices



My audio/developer workstation has 4 audio/MIDI devices, they are:

M-Audio Audiophile 192 (vintage PCI, circa 2005 when they first came out)
EMU 0204 USB
AMD/ATI Southbridge onboard HD Audio with HDMI audio, etc..
Akai MPK Mini USB

...of course, I don't need all of those devices running at the same time, they're mostly there just for testing.

I'm having 2 issues with qjackctl:

No Jack2 (Jackd) in qjackctl-


Dear Rui,

For your information:
In qjackctl- everything works fine, I am using Jackd 1.9.8.

After compiling qjackctl- I do not have a jack2 (jackd) connection reported after doing "configure", only jack. It is proved when I use the new qjackctl- - no jackd applications in the connection info.

After switching back to qjackctl-, I had to delete the configuration files to have it work fine again. Oh Boy, sometimes software applications do me make me feel so thumb ;-)


qjackctl on mac/macports hints


for those who are interested in this area - I spent some hard time to get it running yesterday. But the result is: success.

Compiled from macports - there are some interesting patches: https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/audio/qjackctl
which can be merged upstream BTW.

And finally main issues...