

QjackCtl - JACK Qt GUI Interface

qjackctl messages/status conky configuration


I'm trying to configure my Conky build to display some qjackctl info such as set (not supposed) interface, samplerate, buffersize, nperiods as well as system messages and last xrun (which could also just be transport time since i have that set to time since last xrun) and I'm having trouble understanding where to safely and reliably get this from.

Jack device vs. actual audio output


I found this forum suggested on another page and hope you'll be able to help.
I have a Lenovo T460 with KDE Neon, and a T470 with Ubuntu Studio installed. Also have a Lexicon Alpha and an mbox2 USB audio interface. with any combination of the above, I try to use the usb interface for Jack, which is starting up without any complaint, but any software I try to use with Jack, the actual audio output is not coming from the USB interfaces but from the built-in speakers. Do you have any idea where I should look to figure out what's going wrong?

Catch a fullscreen app sound to


I'd like to route a fullscreen app sound out to my DAW. Let's say it's a game Syberia 3.
I've managed to make a screenshot, you can see the "Syberia3.exe" string on the screenshot.
But the sound is off when I switch the game (Alt-Tab, KDE Plasma, Arch Linux). And it's outputs is off too.

So, the question is - HOW to catch it at last?

QjackCtl icon is an Exclamation Mark - No idea why



I am trying to set Jack up on my Mint desktop. Haven't managed to get it to work yet.

I reset settings to default and now I have the qJackCtl exclamation mark on my iconbar. The context-sensitive tool-tip just says 'JACK Audio Connection Kit [(default)] Active. (0.64%, 0 xruns)', there's absolutely no hint as to WHY it is in an erroneous state.

Messages say:

Qjackctrl doesn't see all applications


Hi All,

I'm running the JACK Audio connection kit to do some routing for my live setup. I run the JACK server but it doesn't "see" some of my applications, namely Reaper and Reaktor. Reaper and Reaktor also doesn't see the Jack server as an audio option either. Jack does see other applications though

What am I missing getting these to talk to each other?

Mac OS 12.2.1 Monterey
Reaper 6.13/64
Qjackctl 0.9.7

Thanks for any help!


Why do external audio device control panels create JACK ports?


Apps like GNOME settings and PulseAudio control panel aren't really something you would connect things to.
Why do these create JACK ports?

Is it recommended to create Patchbay definitions for these just to keep them in an "unconnected" state?