

QjackCtl - JACK Qt GUI Interface

Qjackctl graph view shows multiples of same device?


Under the Qjackctl Graph view it shows two of every device attached. And further to this there is no way to deleted them and they are placed at far ends of the view requiring multiple scrolling left and right. Sometimes one device is way WAY down the bottom requiring dragging the scroll bar at left enormous amounts, vis a vis for the horizontal scroll too.

Is there something wrong with this view and its image controls?


QjackCtl Graph Window laggy with DrumGizmo in Ardour


When using the graph window to make connections it is usually responsive.

I loaded DrumGizmo into Ardour and this creates a lot of input/output ports and wires between them. The graph window is now unusably laggy. There is a delay between dragging a wire and the wire appearing. This gets progressively worse the higher the zoom setting. The more I zoom in the more laggy the graph window becomes.

I'm using Arch linux and QjackCtl 0.9.2

[SOLVED] QjackCtl-0.9.2 DBUS error at start-up.


Hi Rui,

I fired-up the new QjackCtl-0.9.2 release (AppImage) and it pops-up the Messages window and Error dialog with the following displayed in red:

20:59:34.553 D-BUS: SetParameterValue('engine:clock-source', 'h'): Parameter value type mismatch: was expecting 'u', got 'y'. (org.jackaudio.Error.InvalidArgs)

You can dismiss the Error dialog and start-up appears to continue OK but I thought you might want to know about this.

Qjackctl and Raspberry Pi 4 - (MIDI + Playback only)?


I have a Raspberry Pi 4 I am using with Qtractor. I have success starting Qjackctl and Qtractor with a USB Babyface Pro interface, but would like to simplify my setup. I really just want to record MIDI with my iConnectMIDI interface and see a realtime view of notes (playback out of the headphone output using any synth would be nice too).

I do not understand how to get Jack/Qjacktl setup for:
-MIDI Play/Record: iConnectMIDI1 MIDI interface
-AUDIO Playback only: bcm2835 Headphones (built in Raspberry pi audio)

Cannot set sample rate for jackd to 48Khz


Hi I am coming here as a last resort. I cannot seem to get Jack to operate at 48000 sample rate or for that matter anything other than 44100.

My hardware is Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 Gen 2. It is set at 48000 it is recognised by my system and all inputs and outputs work perfectly. However regardless of what sample rate I set in the various config files for Alsa, and jackd it starts always as 44100. Every config file I can find has default set at 48000.

JACK process callback time period



I'm using Jack API in a synthesizer c++ program I'm developing running over a Raspberry Pi 4.
Sample rate is 44100 ( jackSampleRate = jack_get_sample_rate(client_out); )
Buffer size is set to 512 ( jack_set_buffer_size(client_out, _JACK_AUD_PERIOD_SIZE); ) (#define _JACK_AUD_PERIOD_SIZE 512).
Calculated process callback rate is 512/44100 = 11.6mSec.
Actually, process callback is initiated every 5.8mSec (with nframes = 512).

Any idea why the process callback rate is x2 than I expect it to be? (or my assumption is wrong? Why?)

