Wow! First Post in Qsynth forum...possible bug


Hi Rui,
I am using QSynth 0.2.5 (CCRMA version for RH6), and when opening multiple synth tabs (Plus (+) button), it is crashing (totally disappears), and also crashing jackd (v0.107).
It's not in any order I've noticed, but one or the other eventually crashes. Qsynth simply disappears, while qjackctl simply becomes disconnected. QJackCtl never shows me the newly added qsynth2 connection as available.

I also did a new svn update on jack sources, same result. Perhaps a cvs update of qsynth might be a fix. Perhaps fluidsynth is the problem. Dunno at this point.

Can you duplicate this?

Merry Christmas and Peace to the World :)


Both Qsynth < 0.2.6 and FluidSynth < 1.0.8 are infected with a very nasty memory misalignment bug that causes random crashes at qsynth/fluidsynth engine restart, specially if you set qsynth's output levels meters on. It's been by sheer luck that the bug does not crash qsynth all the time--in fact, the bug has been lurking in fluidsynth < 1.0.8, for quite some time.

This has nothing to do with jack, whatsoever. It's in the qsynth/fluidsynth interface pair, that's for sure ;)

The recommendation goes for an overhaul upgrade on Qsynth 0.3.2 and FluidSynth 1.0.8. Make no compromises.

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

I took your advice and updated both Qsynth and FluidSynth. I had a few compilation issues, but got through it. So far, so good. Thanks for the help.


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