Dear Rui,
For your information:
In qjackctl- everything works fine, I am using Jackd 1.9.8.
After compiling qjackctl- I do not have a jack2 (jackd) connection reported after doing "configure", only jack. It is proved when I use the new qjackctl- - no jackd applications in the connection info.
After switching back to qjackctl-, I had to delete the configuration files to have it work fine again. Oh Boy, sometimes software applications do me make me feel so thumb ;-)
Re: No Jack2 (Jackd) in qjackctl-
puzzled. there are no application code changes whatsoever between and so it seems theres a build configure issue on your side.
lokking by the version tag numbers, i assume you're using the local snapshots. is that right? or are you building from svn trunk? in the latter case you should `
make -f Makefile.svn clean
` before building it all from scratch, please.cheers
No Jack2 (Jackd) in qjackctl-
Dear Rui,
I am puzzled too. But the configure process of outputs in the summary table at the end a new entry "Jack2 - yes/no" and my entry showed "no". In the summary table of the configure process of this entry is not shown, i only have the usual jack entry which says "yes".
After compiling and using qjackctl, in the latest version applications can't connect to jackd, but they all can in the one before the latest.
Yes, I am using the local snapshots and I know and perform a "make -f Makefile.svn clean" when compiling from svn. This can't be the reason.
This evening, i will try again. If I made only "noise", please excuse me.
re. No Jack2 (Jackd) in qjackctl-
no sweat :)
although i'm always suspicious,...t there are always some valuable information hidden or masked under the noise ;)
Uninstalling, deleting the
Uninstalling, deleting the config file and compiling the latest snapshot delivered a fine working QJackCtl now, not in the morning - I feel sheepish :-(
Checking respectively unchecking the option "Activate D-Bus interface" couldn't be reponsible for my problem, could it?
Anyway, thank you for your tolerant and social answer ;-)
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