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Audio slightly delayed in rare cases

It happens occasionally and unfortunately I cannot reproduce it in a sample Qtractor session. I can't reproduce it reliably in my existing sessions, either.

Sometimes the playback of audio (I think it's all audio tracks to the same amount) is a bit delayed compared to midi tracks with instrument plugin. Mostly I encounter it while wildly positioning the playhead while playback is running but it can also happen at first play after having loaded a session. I can't recognize any systematics. I have no xruns.

It seems to be the length of one buffer size and its probability seems to decrease when using big buffers and to increase when the machine is under load.

It can usually be fixed by moving the playhead to the beginning, then to the end. Sometimes just moving to the beginning fixes it. Sometimes STOP, moving the playhead before the audio clip and PLAY fixes it.

It happens with the 1000 Hz timer and the HR timer. With MIDI queue time drift correction and without.

It feels as if the audio clips would miss the correct time frame and then play on the next, staying behind as long it's playing.

Any ideas?

rncbc's picture

pipewire or genuine jack?

bluebell's picture

old school jack2

rncbc's picture

then I'm clueless

if it were pipewire(-jack) I would ask to switch (jack-)transport mode to "none" or "master" only, as PW's still finicky/bad in that regard...

is very hard if not impossible to diagnose what's the issue when it's not quite reproducible.

please, keep searching for a plausible pattern and tell what you may find.


bluebell's picture

Yes, that's the reason why I didn't open an issue on github. As soon as I know how to reproduce it I'll open one.

bluebell's picture

I'll investigate into other directions, too. Maybe it's important to use the same timer for Qtractor's MIDI and the Linux system. So I'll try hpet for the Linux system and Default (which means the systems timer I hope) for Qtractor's MIDI.

The problems occured with tsc for the Linux system and hpet for Qtractor's MIDI.

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