It seems to happen on one machine only, a 10 year old Sandy Bridge Core i5. More and more I don't think it's a Qtractor bug but a timer glitch on the machine.
AFAIK the system timer is on most systems tsc but it can be set to hpet. And there is snd_hrtimer.
Is it possible that Qtractor uses different timers for audio and MIDI and how can I ensure that the same timer is always used? By setting the MIDI queue timer to "(default)"?
It seems to happen on one machine only, a 10 year old Sandy Bridge Core i5. More and more I don't think it's a Qtractor bug but a timer glitch on the machine.
AFAIK the system timer is on most systems tsc but it can be set to hpet. And there is snd_hrtimer.
Is it possible that Qtractor uses different timers for audio and MIDI and how can I ensure that the same timer is always used? By setting the MIDI queue timer to "(default)"?