Create a clip that includes all the notes in the first quarter of a beat, at the minimum speed.
Include it at the beginning of each track.
If you have the automatic rewind option activated, the action would be the following.
1 Press stop: the head returns to the beginning.
2 Press play: all the notes are activated and deactivated without it being audible, because the speed is 1.
I know it's not the best, but it could be functional.
Create a clip that includes all the notes in the first quarter of a beat, at the minimum speed.

Include it at the beginning of each track.

If you have the automatic rewind option activated, the action would be the following.
1 Press stop: the head returns to the beginning.
2 Press play: all the notes are activated and deactivated without it being audible, because the speed is 1.
I know it's not the best, but it could be functional.