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Qtractor is hard for me as someone who quit music production for three years and am now only revisiting as it has a very small youtube tutorial community which is my go-to way to learn things.
But I do like the interface. Just Qtractor + Linux routing is hurting my head a bit.
I mean say create a Drum bus to send all percussion tracks for final processing and general percussion volume control, for fader mixing,
sending all vocals to one vocal track/bus for final fader mixing.
In Reaper you can just drag and drop and create intuitive groups. Reaper is very powerful. But yes, I'm using the trial version so I don't use it as my main DAW out of guilt really but I do keep it for learning and occasional use. It's very intuitive and powerful once you learn the basic layout and workings. This is a great tutorial series by Adam Steel
In the provided images, after creating drum beats in LMMS and exporting their stems, I dragged and dropped them in Reaper and created Track Groups via just drag and drop to what you see in the image.

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