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I'd like to try to make Aux sends work since they make more sense to me with my limited experience using Reaper. I just never learned about that feature in Qtractor until now. Also according to this documentation, aux sends are meant for internal whereas inserts are meant for external?

But maybe i'll need your method once I have a lot of percussion.
And also having background in Windows with LMMS, i prefer a more in-software contained production set up. I'm thinking of just sticking to synthv1 which is the most stable i assume due to being native to linux and using free one shot samples i can find online plus carla and lsp audio effect bundle. My history is in EDM but I'm trying to transition to Trap production which in some ways is even more minimal.

I also recently made a beat in LMMS which i then imported to Reaper and synced with vocals and synths. It's not the worst workflow honestly.