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Can I ask some Questions about Aux Send? i know i should try it myself but i would love to learn some basic details from someone who actually knows how they work.

What I'm looking for right now for Qtractor is a feature similar to master/slave or track grouping function in Reaper.

Is the AuxSend method appropriate for that?

I did just now find this section of Qtractor Manual/Documentation thanks to you It's working pretty much perfect now. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I found an updated tutorial by same yt channel using inserts instead, I should probably read the manual. I only read the snippet about bouncing cuz i I couldn't figure out bouncing MIDI to audio directly. The Bouncing the Project section of this manual talking about connecting master in to master outs so i assumed that was the way.

It's honestly my bad. I used to use Reaper 3 years ago (before that, LMMS) before I quit making music for personal reasons. Now that i'm finally getting back to it and that too on a linux setup, i'm still needing time to re-learn these bus things also because most of my music production years prior were in LMMS where i never really did actual mixing let alone use it's FX Mixer.

BUT USING AUX SENDS IS WORKING PERFECTLY SO THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR. This was the only real thing bugging me about Qtractor and making me ponder about switching something like Waveform but I don't think that's open-source and it's definitely not native to linux., but I love Qtractor otherwise and now that I have figured out using Aux Sends thanks to you, IT'S ALL PERFECT NOW.

I sound like a kid, but I really am happy. I love this software. Thanks for your help!