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It is very useful. In this example you can see how clear the inserts and AuxSend are now:

Aa> Reverb= A:Audio a:Auxiliar >:Send Reverb
Ai> Voz= A:Audio i:Insert >:Send Voz
>Ai Guitrarra= >:Return A:Audio i:Insert Guitrarra
Mi> e.Hydrogen= M:Midi i:Insert >:Send e.:ExternalAPP Hydrogen
>Ai e.Hydrogen= <:Return A:Audio i:Insert e.:ExternalAPP Hydrogen

When we copy a plugin it loses the Alias.
I think it should be kept.

There are cases where it is useful to keep it, for example in auxiliary sends, or in mute. These are cases where the functionality is not going to change.

For the cases where it is not, you still have to rename it, so they are not affected.
I leave it for your consideration.

(As it is, it is already very useful)

Very grateful

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