I watched the video tutorial but I don't understand how it works, when I select "inputs" and "outputs" I see that it talks about "doors" to be connected to each other by dragging them, and a black connection line appears, but I don't know how it works, I should see as input device the name of my sound card and as output device for example USB audio speakers, I don't know if I managed to explain, how exactly does the input and output setting work in Qtractor?
re. Audio input output settings
in general you connect ports; output ports to input ports; connections are usually drawn as lines between output ports into input ports;
once the jack service is up an running you'll have these system:capture_N ports that represent the physical sound device line-ins or microphone(s); and the system:playback_N ports that are the physical line-outs or speakers, headphones, whatever... in JACK-parlance this is what you really have to know, because no proper device names will ever appear to be seen... iow. you'll need to understand that "system" represents the sound card device in charge.
for qtractor, you connect the output of some other device or application (eg. system:capture_N ports) into qtractor's own input buses ports (eg. Master In); and its own output buses ports (eg. Master Out) to some other device or application inputs (eg. system:playback_N ports).
is it clear now?
I think that's what I did,
I think that's what I did, intuitively, but it doesn't work, if I start recording I don't see any colored bar that goes up and down and tells me that the guitar signal is arriving, jack how do you start? Should it be started from Qtractor or separately?
re. Audio input output settings
It is paramount that the JACK service must be started prior to have things work at all -- qtractor won't do it for you, sorry; you'll have to configure and start it by some other means: either directly from the command line (jackd ....) or with help of a GUI front-end, like qjackctl.
Ok, I installed jack and
Ok, I installed jack and started qjackctl from the command line by simply typing qjackctl, now in qtractor in the track I see the column that moves when I play, so the signal arrives! But now it doesn't record, I think I'm doing the input and output settings of the track wrong, for both input and output there are various options, "system, qtractor, all" how exactly should they be associated? I think I tried all the combinations but I couldn't record.
re. Audio input output settings
you're getting there...
1. add an audio track;
2. arm the track for recording ([R] button)
3. press the main big red button on the toolbar; you'll need to give the session a name, if not already;
4. to really start recording press the play button, and there it goes...
all this trivial instructions are certainly found in the manual; have you actually read it?
Hi, no I haven't read the
Hi, no I haven't read the manual, I'm having trouble with the translation, but I managed to record, I was doing well, R was activated but simply the input signal had a very low volume and wasn't being recorded, I just had to turn up the volume, but now I have the track recorded but it can't be heard during playback, I went to qjackctl in the settings but I don't understand which are the inputs and which are the outputs, it's not indicated, I'm experimenting, maybe I'm also making the wrong connections input output of the track, it's a system that I don't understand well.
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