Hi, I've checked back on the plugins after a long time, and I'm glad to see how it progressed - especially the addition of drumkv1!
Here are some suggestions - what I miss:
1)! Controls units (preferrably both musical and scientific units) - I especially miss this with the octave, tuning knobs.
2) Overall documentation - for example it is not clear what whole DEF1 section does - is it sensitivity to the MIDI messages? (range <100-x, 100>)
Lack of it also caused me trying for long to use LFO to modulate pan before I realized the strange behaviour comes from the LFO being applied to each voice individually then the whole final stream :)
What is the drumkv1 control Group?
3) Can I, in drumkv1, have 2 modes for notes to play sample a) until it ends or its note off comes ("Trim") b) until it ends (regardless of note offs; "Single Hit")
I tried the Note Off control in DEF, and it doesn't seem to do that.
Aside of that, can I expect the lv2 interface of the plugins to be stable and forward-compatible? So I can make patches and expect them to play in future versions the same...
Thanks for all the software :)
re. synthv1, samplv1 and drumkv1 suggestions
Controls units (preferrably both musical and scientific units) - I especially miss this with the octave, tuning knobs.
i understand but not a top priority here :) it will get some units, someday.
is not clear what whole DEF1 section does - is it sensitivity to the MIDI messages? (range <100-x, 100>)
yes, its kind of general sensitivity or scaling to incoming midi values: pitchbend and modwheel range, channel pressure intensity, velocity sensitivity curve.
What is the drumkv1 control Group?
keys in the same group number cancel each other, like hit-hat open and close.
3) Can I, in drumkv1, have 2 modes for notes to play sample a) until it ends or its note off comes ("Trim") b) until it ends (regardless of note offs; "Single Hit") I tried the Note Off control in DEF, and it doesn't seem to do that.
that's exactly what DEF/Note Off setting is for: when enabled, note-off events are recognized and do trigger the Decay 2 phase of the envelope generators; when disabled, note-off events are simply ignored so that all phases get through as if you sustained a piano key long enough.
can I expect the lv2 interface of the plugins to be stable and forward-compatible? So I can make patches and expect them to play in future versions the same...
yes. besides one parameter or the other, of course :) for instance, the Effects/Delay BPM is now (svn trunk) experimentally slaved to current transport tempo--in qtractor at least--and that might be a slight different semantics from previous release, but that's nothing earth-shaking is it?
that's exactly what DEF/Note
that's exactly what DEF/Note Off setting is for: when enabled, note-off events are recognized and do trigger the Decay 2 phase of the envelope generators; when disabled, note-off events are simply ignored so that all phases get through as if you sustained a piano key long enough.
Ah nice, I will experiment more with the envelope. As with the other things it would be nice if it was explained in a tooltip or something.
yes. besides one parameter or the other, of course :) for instance, the Effects/Delay BPM is now (svn trunk) experimentally slaved to current transport tempo--in qtractor at least--and that might be a slight different semantics from previous release, but that's nothing earth-shaking is it?
Ok, that doesn't seem to have an effect on the sound of a patch. I was more worried if you chose to convert some controls from/to the musical unit scale, dB/CV changes etc...
Agfter some experimentation I
Agfter some experimentation I have still problem with the drumkv1 envelope - does the Decay 1 mean much % of the sample is played before the Decay 2 phase? why is the default value 50 then? shouldn't it be 100? (no matter if the note offs are off or on)
re. Decay 1 ....
Same as Attack, Decay 1 and Decay 2 are time intervals that range from 0 to 100 (=2sec). Level 2 is the signal level that is aimed after Decay 1 time has passed. you can certainly check that out from tweaking over the envelope cȟart widgets. just click and drag the small squares and you'll get which control means what and vice versa ;)
And where is the sustain
And where is the sustain phase in that envelope? I think default settings should be to play a sample unaltered till note off comes (or till the sample end, if note-offs are off).
re. And where is the sustain
And where is the sustain phase in that envelope?
nowhere :)
drumkv1 is a drum-kit sampler synth, whatever that means it's about emulating percussive, one-shot sounds.
otoh. a note-off only makes for a quicker fade-out.
Well then there is a problem,
Well then there is a problem, because by default the envelope cuts the sample short, and I still don't really know how to set it to play the sample whole
re. Well then there is a problem
as said, drumkv1 is set for one-shot envelopes, there's no sustain control.
the best you can have is about setting Delay1 to the longest (100=2sec) and Level2 to highest (100%), after which Delay2 will always stand for a tail fade-out (0=abrupt. 100=2sec). of course you can also set Attack to the longest (100=2sec) so...,
if the sample is more than 6sec long (max(Attack+Decay1+Decay2)) you hardly get to ever play it in whole. i doubt whether percussive sounds last half that long, but my imagination may be probably way down limited ;)
Yeah that makes it possible
Yeah that makes it possible to play only 2s of the sample full volume which is indeed quite limiting, for example lot of cymbal crash samples are longer then that. I don't think it would be much trouble adding a sustain stage there would it? :)
On another topic - regarding lv2 ports and automation - how does one automate drumkv1? is it possible?
I noticed there is no GEN Group, but there is GEN Sample - does this control which note/sample the automation affect?
re. how does one automate drumkv1?
your suspicions are unfortunately well founded :)
most of the available LV2 input control ports--aka. parameters--are mapped to the currently selected element and only. iow. you can only address the parameters for the current selected key/note/element sample, as for automation purposes, that's it.
drumkv1, as a LV2 plugin, is not as automatable as their cousins, synthv1 or samplv1, if at all. yeah, kinda limited, brain-dead or useless, you name it, i know :) but that's the way it is now. sorry.
and no, the 'GEN Sample' port does not yet control or select the current key/note/element which would be target for automation. alas, the current key/note/element is only selectable via the GUI.
presets for the 3 synths?
I just built synthv1 from the sources on my Raspberry Pi, and hey, it works! Apparently, there does not seem to be any presets (preset bar is empty) - is that so or did I just not find or install them?
re. presets for the 3 synths?
as for synthv1, there's no "factory" presets supplied on the source tree distribution; same for the other two which probably never will as they rely on external audio-sample files and that i'm afraid may not be in the scope of their source tree distribution.
you'll have to make up your own, why don't you? note that you can use either version of the thingies (lv2 or standalone) and save your own preset files which can be loaded interchangeably everywhere, no matter you're doing it on a pc or on the r-pi, or vice-versa.
just remember, in the case of samplv1 and drumkv1, that all external audio-sample files should be placed in the same directory or location as where the preset file gets loaded from. that said, also note that preset files are plain xml files and can be hand-edited as regular text file just in case you suspect that original file paths are messing with the proper function of the samplers ;)
anyway, as for synthv1 there's these indy-ones ;)
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