Hello. I would like to know if the parameter setting of qjackctl is identical when " we use a computer which works under Windows.
Thank you for answering.
Hello. Thank you for your message. I have a question to rest you which concerns the parameter setting of qjackctl. I am novice in computing. How do we create the applications for which we try to connect in the window " Connections - Audio Jack Connection Kit "?
Thank you for answering. My problem after all is that I try to read MIDI files in Seq24 while using kit of percussion instruments of Hydrogen.
Re: Parameter setting of qjackctl under Windows
As you might know already, I've not much expertise on windows but one couple of things I'm probably certain, from what I read from the interwebs: driver should/must be 'portaudio' then you should first try starting on a server path like 'jackd -S' and a big buffer size eg. 2048 frames/buffer. If things go right you can try lowering the bar one step at a time ;)
Besides that, I'm afraid I have not much more to tell or help you :( As a matter of fact, each hardware/software combination require assorted and different settings, even on Linux, so it won't be a shame if you do it all the hard way, in good old trial and error methodology ;)
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