I just loaded QJackCtl and Jackpilot on my MacPro with Leopard OS. Once I get the panel open, I press the button "Start" and I get this message: "Could not start Jack...Sorry" and a window opens with the following message:
09:14:35.051 Patchbay deactivated.
09:14:35.061 Statistics reset.
09:16:02.115 Startup script...
09:16:02.115 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: command not found
09:16:02.323 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
09:16:02.323 JACK is starting...
09:16:02.325 jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p1024 -n2
09:16:02.362 Could not start JACK. Sorry.
09:16:07.234 JACK was stopped successfully.
09:16:07.237 Post-shutdown script...
09:16:07.239 killall jackd
No matching processes belonging to you were found
09:16:07.483 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.
I am not sure what to do at this point. I need this program to use a program called Ardour. Any suggestions?
Re: Trouble starting Jack (Mac OS X)
Uhoh, I have no skill on Mac OS X :(
But one thing I am certain: the "alsa" and "hw:0" driver and device names are Linux specific. You could never make it work as is on the felidae ;)
Please, while on the Setup dialog, try selecting the "coreaudio" driver and leave the pcm device name (interface) name as "(default)"; or select a particular one from the drop-down menu listed after pressing the ">" button (on the right of the interface entry field).
I'm afraid I can't help you any better than this. As said above, I have no clue how to get this thing ran on Apples ;) However, if your target is actually running Ardour, I'll suggest you to drop by in their forum, or in #ardour channel on irc.freenode.net . I'm pretty sure the folks in there might give you a (better) hand.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
it's missing the command
it's missing the command artsshell whatever that is.
missing artsshell
artsshell is one specific command to control the aRTs daemon, the now deprecated sound server from KDE3 and below. It just doesn't apply to Mac OS X whasoeber and it's pretty innocuous on the error log above.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
missing artsshell is in qjackctl, I'll bet!
Click setup on qjackctl, then choose the options tab. Un-check the first command that says: "artsshell -q terminate" and even remove the whole line, if you like. That should take care of this issue, since you do not have any KDE installed under Mac OSX.
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