metronome in qtractor


Hello Rui!

I've just installed qtractor from the Debian Unstable repo. I've been looking around and checking things out, and I have been very impressed so far.

I see in the toolbar that you can set bpm information for the song, but I cannot find a place to set metronome parameters. Can you help?

Thank so much,



I think you're referring to meter or time signature of the session (song). In that case you can look into File/Properties... as for the current session properties.

You can set the "Beats per Bar" value which corresponds to the numerator (upper number) of the time signature. Default is the popular 4/4 ;) Please note that you have access to this value only (beats or quarter-notes per measure). As for the denominator (the lower number) there's no real need to make it any more specific. For just that I believe you can have get away with the "Snap per Beat" feature when placing or lengthning your notes ;)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela



No, I'm actually referring to a timekeeping mechanism that "clicks" on each quarter note, just like a standard metronome would. In Rosegarden this is labeled "metronome", and can be configured to use an audio click or a MIDI click on channel 10 (typically the drum channel). Does this make sense? :)

Josh Lawrence

you can use "a workaround" what I'm using. Connect hydrogen into jackd and run its "clicks".


Aha, metronome clicks.

Sorry for the mistake. And sorry again for not having that metronome gadget feature, yet ;)

Will do that. Meanwhile, you can do it "by hand", by having a special MIDI track/clip for just emulating a metronome. In fact that's what I do for the moment. However it does not exactly work as a pre-roll before recording, but that's another feature to be thought about ;)

Cheers and thanks for heads-up.
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela


As of today, a rudimentary MIDI metronome is now in place (CVS); parameters, like MIDI channel, bar and beat accent note, velocity and duration, are readily configurable from the main menu, View/Options.../MIDI/Metronome dialog. Beware, although it's barely working as advertised, it is also not perfect nor quite reliable, but it works, sometimes at least :)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela


Hi rncbc,
I've been messing around with qtractor now for about 6 wks, and wow, you have done a very nice job. I wish the qjackctl Connect dialog worked as well as it does in Qtractor. Very sweet indeed!

Regarding the metronome, I hope you will add the ability to use two audio samples for an audio metro, in addition to the MIDI metro.

BTW, do you ever visit the #lad channel on

Keep up the good work!

Wow, 6 weeks? that is certainly enough time for finding bugs around. Hope you have them all waiting to be reported at will... Thanks :)

I confess that sampled audio metronome was not on the near horizon. But having a second thought it should have a right place, maybe when audio file pre-audition gets implemented. This is about playback of sample files that are not in the session time-line, eg. files in the files widget. Meanwhile you'll have to live with the MIDI metronome ;)

Regarding #lad irc channel: I used to be there but my current day-life-sort-of-business does not allow it as often as I wish or should. I only have a couple of hours per day to hack on this stuff, and you can guess how much of that is dedicated to introspection :) And to have a laugh at me, it's just a damn irony how I spend most of the time hacking instead of making some music, which was the main issue of this damn hobby :D

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

I have found a few bugs, but as I keep updating via CVS, I see more of more of them getting stomped.

I too am short on time, and I've not actually attempted a full recording project within qtractor. That would be the way to most efficiently test for bugs.

When you do implement the audio metronome, it would be great if it could be assigned to any Jack audio output as well. I use this feature in Ardour, and route the click track to my Center speaker, keeping it away from the stereo mix. Very useful!


It would be nice to know about those stomped bugs you've seen, nevertheless. I'm sure there are still plenty that aren't given enough attention and are hidden beyond the curtains. I've found some before that were lurking for ages. Only when I get to do some real use, not necessarily in twisted ways, those nasties get actually noticed. So, any help will be welcome in this hunt. ;)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

In reply to by rncbc


Hi rncbc,
Sorry for the delay in replying. I've not had much time for audio recording in past several weeks. The broadcasting company I work for had purchased two stations (one tv, one radio), and I've been very busy moving them from their old facilities to our new one.

I wish I could remember what bugs I had discovered, but in day to day life, without keeping a log of them, I cannot remember any but one.....nor can I tell you what version that was in at this point. But there were a few cvs builds I had compiled that failed to connect to the JACK server. This of course has been fixed for quite a while.

I will try to keep better record keeping of this for you in an attempt to allow you to build a killer application. :)

Also, I hate to load you down with lots of suggestions, but I can if you will let me. ;) Having been a regular Samplitude user for many years (from the Amiga to Windows), it has lots of features I would love to see in a Linux DAW. Samplitude is the BEST Win32 DAW available. Yes, this is an opinion, but one shared by many audio professionals. A Linux DAW with similar capabilities would put Linux audio into the mainstream. Something I would love see happen.

Keep up the great work!


Thanks lexridge,

All suggestions are welcome. To be honest, I do appreciate all of them, the only catch is that most get some or the same lousy excuse for not being followed right away. Same old excuse, yada, yada, lack of time, eheh ;)

But, nevertheless, do not hesitate in pouring it here :o)

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Thanks. I will start up a new thread called "Wish List" . I appreciate your time restraints regarding development. I have them as well, but will be glad to assist in whatever ways possible.


In reply to by rncbc


I may have found a new one today. I just built from the latest CVS, v0.0.8.764, and I've had qtractor running on another screen in the background. Everytime I go back to it, it has lost its connection to Jack. The qjackctl icon on my task bar is red when this happens. However, a ps -aux|grep jackd shows it to be running just fine. Also, I can run other Jack apps, and they work just fine.

EDIT: Opps, forgot to remake my Makefile. It's actually v0.0.9.790. So far so good. Hasn't disconnected yet.


Hi. I got some time today, after a full day-job work, some evening flash-shopping, corp-team dining, yada yada, to make a very first rendition of this audition/pre-listening feature in qtractor.

Beware, it's too crude, so don't expect it to be any reliable ;) just double-click or press enter key over a filename entry in the files window and you should hear it through the master output bus... tada!

As said, this is still very crude (its the product of an one hour hack:) but hopefully working. eh eh :)

CVS HEAD: qtractor
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Guess what's in the shed for Christmas? Yes, subject says it all: the audio metronome makes its debut as an alternative to the previous existing MIDI one; parameters include bar and beat audio sample files, accessible from the View/Options.../Audio/Metronome dialog.

Also in the sack, we got some files widget action refactorization; the files context menu gets its due item icons and a new menu item for direct audio player accessibility and some cherry topping too: audition/pre-listening onset and duration has now improved reliability.

All this as Christmas Holiday gifts, or kind of ;) CVS HEAD (qtractor

Merry Xmas;)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Wow. What an awesome Christmas present! Thank you! I cannot wait to try it out.

Right now, I've got to head for my parents house for Xmas dinner.

Cheers, and Merry Christmas :)


just to let you know that santa is still delivering :)

from todays cvs commit (qtractor

  • Options for having separate dedicated ports for the audition/pre-
    listening player output, audio metronome output, MIDI control
    input/output and MIDI metronome output, are now in place.

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Very nice! Works like a charm! I have been using this like a madman. Thank you Rui (Santa). ;)

- Just one observation: One audio metronome connection should be enough, but I am probably blind to something (I am not complaining about this, just an observation :).
- I guess the metronome settings (connections) should be saved with the project. As it is, I have to reconnect the metronome on a Qtractor restart. Again, I am not complaining, as this feature alone already makes it so much easier for me to work on my current project. These deaf ears can actually HEAR the metronome now clearly on my center speaker. :)

You are the MAN Rui! Qtractor is on its way to becoming the BEST DAW app for Linux. I have been spreading the word very widely. QTRACTOR!!! :)

Next? Hopefully AUX buses. ;)

Thanks dude! :)

Hi Rui,
Just CVS'ed the latest....ver 827. I guess I should have done this before my last reply. Qtractor now does now appear to save the connections of the audio metronome (I've not tested the MIDI metronome yet), as it did restore my last connections to it from the earlier version, which it did not restore originally today (did not note the version number). However, I have no audio metronome at all now. The connections are there, but it is silent. I have NOT rebooted. That alone could fix this.

I understand it's a work in progress. Please, keep up the good work. I update from your CVS at least three times daily :) Humm, maybe I should automate this. ;)

I have no major plans for my current audio project ATM, and this weekend seems like it's going to be a busy one, and most likely for you as well.

Have a great weekend! I will contact you again at first chance. Don't knock yourself out on this....we both have things to do. Tomorrow, my wife works, and I'm on vacation, so some old high school buddies want to go bar hopping tomorrow afternoon. Humm, I've not yet decided to join them, but as my wife said....."Why not?" Perhaps I will ;) I will not be driving!!!!

You do amazing work in limited time, Rui, for that I commend you!


No sweat. Last night I've made a mess while trying to get those dedicated port connections saved and restored properly. Eventually got the connections part to work, but also broke it on the other end :(

Anyway, I think i have it fixed now (cvs, qtractor but not really sure until later tonight ;)

[EDIT: make it cvs head, qtractor]

rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

Hello Rui
first happy new year to you too
second, your qtractor is continue impressing me!
I have also tested comparation to qtracor..give a Ocean in the midle!
I'm waiting when the new Qranger is complete and merged the last qtractor code too, then I will be really happy too.

Today I made a Qtractor demo in the book store with the new Clavinuovo and Video:
A lot of people was shocked and impressed!

keep up your work...we need guys like you for revolution the Linux Audio!

thanks Domenik,

i stand in awe to you too. you surely deserve the best; the clavinuova looks impressive indeed, no wonder people got shocked (in the good sense, i mean:)


happy new year, it might just be
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

That is really nice to know, thanks a lot.

As we're already in a new year, I've just committed some more stuff (cvs head, qtractor

One fix regarded the cpu hungriness of the time-stretching code, now significantly lower. The other's more like a feature enhancement, which made the files widget with extended multi-selection capabilities: you now can select multiple items on the file list, move and drag around, in and out; you'll need the help of one of those Shift and Ctrl mouse/key modifiers though;)

Enjoy && Happy New Year!
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela


would this (wave2src) make it trivial to embed a default audio click without any external files being needed for distribution?

Yes, I see the point. Question is what metronome click samples would you choose for embedding? Is there any reference ones? Anyways, I think the way it is now, which is letting the user select its own, is the best approach, IMHO.

But again, provided there's an overwhelming demand, why not?
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

In reply to by rncbc


Actually, this is not a bad idea. Not necessarily embed them, but just include some default samples that would go into a /usr/share/qtractor directory. I could certainly provide you with good original metronome sounds if you want to do this. I would think embedding them would be a waste of programming resources. ;)


include some default samples that would go into a /usr/share/qtractor directory
Well, that should be fine, provided the samples are PD or copyleft :) URL? [EDIT: please?:]
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela

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