Wow, 6 weeks? that is certainly enough time for finding bugs around. Hope you have them all waiting to be reported at will... Thanks :)
I confess that sampled audio metronome was not on the near horizon. But having a second thought it should have a right place, maybe when audio file pre-audition gets implemented. This is about playback of sample files that are not in the session time-line, eg. files in the files widget. Meanwhile you'll have to live with the MIDI metronome ;)
Regarding #lad irc channel: I used to be there but my current day-life-sort-of-business does not allow it as often as I wish or should. I only have a couple of hours per day to hack on this stuff, and you can guess how much of that is dedicated to introspection :) And to have a laugh at me, it's just a damn irony how I spend most of the time hacking instead of making some music, which was the main issue of this damn hobby :D
Wow, 6 weeks? that is certainly enough time for finding bugs around. Hope you have them all waiting to be reported at will... Thanks :)
I confess that sampled audio metronome was not on the near horizon. But having a second thought it should have a right place, maybe when audio file pre-audition gets implemented. This is about playback of sample files that are not in the session time-line, eg. files in the files widget. Meanwhile you'll have to live with the MIDI metronome ;)
Regarding #lad irc channel: I used to be there but my current day-life-sort-of-business does not allow it as often as I wish or should. I only have a couple of hours per day to hack on this stuff, and you can guess how much of that is dedicated to introspection :) And to have a laugh at me, it's just a damn irony how I spend most of the time hacking instead of making some music, which was the main issue of this damn hobby :D
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela