Creating custom properties with setProperty would allow us to have more control over the interface with QSS.
For example we could access exclusively the Record button:
qtractorTrackButton[type= "Record"]{
I find it especially necessary in the mixer.
__Rack header(I don't remember the class) and qtractorMixerRackWidget__
type= BusIn, Track, BusOut
type=Midi, Audio
selected=true, false
(I know that the property is assigned with setSelected, but QSS does not access it, I don't know why. I suspect that duplicating the property with setProperty("selectred", true) would work.
type= Record, Mute, Solo
This would allow us to do things like visually differentiate the buses from the tracks, as I indicate in the example.
(yes I know the example is ugly, it's just a reference)
I leave it to your consideration
re. especially necessary...
is it, really?
how about having just that in a local branch alone and when you feel it's ready propose a PR to your own branch (GEN3-es)?
Excuse my clumsiness.
Excuse my clumsiness.
I will try to assemble the proposal.
Thanks for everything.
One thing I'd like to mention
One thing I'd like to mention in terms of what the mixer would really benefit from would be having a bus automatically highlight when it is used as a routing target for a highlighted track. In other words, the user clicks on a track in the sequencer which causes the same track to highlight in the mixer and also any bus that track is routing to.
also, the images above are disturbingly gorgeous! :D Nice work.
Just the track's output or
Just the track's output or Aux and Insert Sends, too? Might become a mess :)
Good question. I'm thinking
Good question. I'm thinking it would be great to have the 1-to-1 relationship between a given track and its output highlighted because that relationship is currently only made visible via a right click followed by some mouse navigation. The other scenario involving sends seems less important since that information is made visible at the highest level via the embedded send meter (though these are probably overdue for some visual improvements as well since they don't exactly stand out visually from any other object so can be overlooked quite easily). Granted, I don't think highlighting these (potentially) many-to-many relationships would be the end of the world but clearly the added functionality would not offer as much value as shining a light on the 1-to-1 relationships (track -> output).
What do you think?
re. Good question. I'm thinking
I'm not sure if you're referring to this, but the information is accessible in the sequencer.

I've been talking about a
I've been talking about a track's audio output. Then again, I tend to only work with MIDI so both POVs may be true.
re. I've been talking about a
I knew I wasn't understanding something right :).
How do I see it and hypothetical solutions?
I think that the option to assign audio bus in tracks and midi buses is somewhat hidden.
Intuitively we believe that we are assigning it to the track or the bus, when technically we assign the output to the plugin box.
Solution, include the option in Track, Bus and sequencer properties:
As for highlighting the buses involved, I see the sense.
Although it would be necessary to test whether it really helps to have an overview or confuses. There are things that work in your head, but not in practice.
If a track is selected, its direct audio or midi outputs (and inputs, if any) are illuminated (including the audio output of the midi plugin box).
For auxiliary sends and inserts, they would be selected when selecting the send, not when selecting the track.
The buses would not move like the tracks do when selected from the sequencer, otherwise it would be a disaster.
I would also put in options the possibility of deactivating the highlighting.
Someone may find it annoying.
I'd certainly love to see
I'd certainly love to see these improvements. Very well thought out!
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