Good question. I'm thinking it would be great to have the 1-to-1 relationship between a given track and its output highlighted because that relationship is currently only made visible via a right click followed by some mouse navigation. The other scenario involving sends seems less important since that information is made visible at the highest level via the embedded send meter (though these are probably overdue for some visual improvements as well since they don't exactly stand out visually from any other object so can be overlooked quite easily). Granted, I don't think highlighting these (potentially) many-to-many relationships would be the end of the world but clearly the added functionality would not offer as much value as shining a light on the 1-to-1 relationships (track -> output).
Good question. I'm thinking it would be great to have the 1-to-1 relationship between a given track and its output highlighted because that relationship is currently only made visible via a right click followed by some mouse navigation. The other scenario involving sends seems less important since that information is made visible at the highest level via the embedded send meter (though these are probably overdue for some visual improvements as well since they don't exactly stand out visually from any other object so can be overlooked quite easily). Granted, I don't think highlighting these (potentially) many-to-many relationships would be the end of the world but clearly the added functionality would not offer as much value as shining a light on the 1-to-1 relationships (track -> output).
What do you think?