Show-off my open-source stuff, mostly of the Linux Audio/MIDI genre

The Filthy Fifth

Hi, I just decided to do this new preview release of Qtractor, an audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer for GNU/Linux, based on the Qt4 GUI framework and engineered on top of JACK Audio Connection Kit for Audio and ALSA Sequencer for MIDI.

Heads-up to Fourth

Still a bit shy, but surely trying in going out of stealth mode, Qtractor has seen some kind of so-called alpha-releases during the last couple of weeks, in a follow-up to its respective LAC2007@TU-Berlin presentation.

Qsynth 0.2.6 is out!

Today I've woke up and promptly decided to let a new official Qsynth be released as is from CVS HEAD. No big deal as there aren't any big news anyway :). So be it. And there it is: Qsynth 0.2.6 is out.

Qtractor 64-bit Unleashed!

Once upon a time, there were some people brave enough to try running Qtractor on the 64studio Linux distribution, a flavour specially targeted to the native AMD64 system architecture. Frank Neumann and Dave Phillips were among them.

QjackCtl 0.2.22 released!

Long overdue but better late than never: QjackCtl, the good old Qt GUI interface to JACK Audio Connection Kit is back on a new latest dot release.


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