Firstly, thanks for all the hard work, it's much appreciated by me and many others, so I feel bad I haven't said it before, and then just show up with a question....
So I use QjackCtl on my little linux netbook for PureData, and on my Mac for Mixbus and PureData.
I've been using the old JackOSX package for years because, well, it's really neat, and it worked.
In the past few months though, I thought I should really put the effort in to compile this all properly on OSX, and then you announced the update, so I got stuck in. Mostly stuck.
I've tried installing Qt from source which seemed to build fine, and after some PATH fiddling, I managed to configure QjackCtl, but then it snagged on make because it can't find the x11extras module. I have spent many many (many) hours now trying to find the solution on the Qt website. I've configured and made Qt about 5 times in the last 2 days. I've used the online installer, but nothing has got it to work.
I'm determined to get there, but for now I'm just about ready to bash my face against the keyboard like so - gvhhmvmvbnvbnv. Which still doesn't help.
My question really, is what exactly needs to be installed?
The website says 'Qt framework (core, gui, xml), C++ class library and tools for cross-platform application and UI development' I can see the core, gui and xml frameworks as standard, but I'm not sure on the rest.
From the optional modules for qt5 - http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtmodules.html - which do I need?
Thanks again!
re. QjackCtl on a Mac (again)
try and edit the "
" file; remove or delete the 3 lines that appear just about the end asthen retry from scratch, with
...&& make
etc. as usual.hth.
Thanks for the quick response
Thanks for the quick response!
It got much further, but is throwing up some other errors now. I will have to update my xcode (when I have a better net connection) to see if that is part of the issue.
So I'm taking it that it may build without that module, and I'll let you know.
it's still not interested -
it's still not interested -
/Applications/XCode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.9.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Headers/AudioHardwareDeprecated.h:800:1: note:
'AudioDeviceGetProperty' declared here
AudioDeviceGetProperty( AudioDeviceID inDevice,
qjackctlInterfaceComboBox.cpp:398:12: error: use of undeclared identifier
I'm on 10.8.5, so I guess I'll try again when I update.
cheers again!
re. QjackCtl on a Mac (again)
just made a blind fix to the probable FTBFS you're experiencing on the macosx/coreaudio platform, a leftover from the unified interface device selection combo-box inception, almost two years ago.
as you are my eyes on this please try to build from the latest git snapshot (qjackctl >=, please.
qjackctl on mac
there is still a problem with qjackctl under osx.
since the new interface combobox (after v0.3.10) the value for the interface (-d) is wrong.
now the human readable device name is taken as startup flag for the server. but it should be the cryptic name.
more concrete: in qjackctlInterfaceComboBox.cpp, if you swap addCard(sName, sSubName); and use addCard(sSubName, sName); the interface selection works again.
do you know a fix how you could still see the nice name appearing in front in the dropdown menu, but afterward the "ugly ID" is used for starting up the server?
thanks and best regards, matthias
re. qjackctl on mac
unfortunately i can't tell a thing on this macosx stuff.
as said earlier, i've been just trying fixing it blind folded :)
otoh. still looking into src/qjackctlInterfaceComboBox.cpp, line 428, there is indeed the swapped version
addCard(sSubName, sName);
already, and no i have no clue on how to hide the "ugly-id" whatsoever--that part of code was just pasted from previous location on src/qjackctlSetupForm.cpp, a couple of years ago and was originally contributed by Stephane Letz and i believe it was also transposed from his former jackosx/jackpilot project code.i am sorry but you, my macosx friends, will have to throw your patches over and above the garden wall ;)
re. qjackctl on mac
your pull request is now officially merged (qjackctl v0.4.1.5+)
thanks. please test and tell--on osx/coreaudio, of course:)
thanks, works for me and some testers.
You can find the osx binary here:
Ciao, Matthias