Thank you for this fantastic software! I'm on MacOS and have used QjackCtl for several years, after finding a binary someone had posted. But recently I had to compile it again on a new computer and have a problem. The ./configure command seems to run fine but the make command produces this error below. Is it looking for a file that is not there? Any suggestions? Thanks!
[... the ./configure command text ends with this:]
Now type 'make', followed by 'make install' as root.
michaeldessen:qjackctl-0.3.11 michael$ make
WARNING: Ignored (not found) '/Applications/QjackCtl/source/qjackctl-0.3.11/src/qjackctl.xcodeproj'
make[1]: qjackctl.mak: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `qjackctl.mak'. Stop.
make: *** [src/qjackctl] Error 2
re. Install problem
can't really help you there: macosx is not my cup of tea :)
have you looked at the hints on these?
qjackctl on mac/macports hints
QJackCtl 0.3.10 Mac OSX ≥ 10.6 build
Compiling qjackctl-0.3.1a.