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qjackctl on mac/macports hints

for those who are interested in this area - I spent some hard time to get it running yesterday. But the result is: success.

Compiled from macports - there are some interesting patches:
which can be merged upstream BTW.

And finally main issues...

qjackd refused to start: in the config dialog "Server Path" contains only "jackd". It works on normal systems but osx is different (as usual). It does not export bash PATH to GUI apps so the full path to jackd solved it (/opt/local/bin/jackd in my case)

basic configuration: if you are usually changing options like frenetic masturbating monkey to get it working like I do on linux (yes, any good docs would be appreciated) beware! It's not necessary to do it on osx. Just change "Driver" to coreaudio and check on "Realtime". No additional changes are needed (in my case of course). Some strange combinations lead to "unable to start jackd" message here.


rncbc's picture

well done. thanks for the hints. might be of use for someone ou there who's trying to run jackd on the macosx.
