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All That It Takes

or not even close...

Loop-recording/takes is now being featured right from Qtractor SVN trunk (aka. qtractor That means you now have the option to automatically fold any recording clip into so called takes, each take sliced from each loop run. Worth noting is that this all works somewhat seamless, whether you have the (loop recording mode) option turned on or else.

To try this long overdue feature (there's no other kind, mind you:), please checkout the greatest and latest source from SVN trunk, of course, or grab some from the latest snapshots ;)

Then go into View/Options.../Display/Loop recording mode. Choose anything but "None". You can choose "Last" or "First", no problem. Any of those will turn on loop-recording split into so called "takes". Just try it out. Just record some material, no matter if it's audio or MIDI, under a loop/cycle range now. You should find that the recorded clip(s) will get framed, or may I say, folded between the loop interval. The resulting clip(s) shown there are either the one corresponding to the "First" loop run or, you guess it now, the "Last" take.

Now just point to one of those recorded clips and ask for their context menu (right-click, Clip/Take menu). There you have it. You can now select which "take" or loop run is about to stay on current playlist. Got that? I hope so. All comments are eagerly welcome.



yPhil's picture

Rui, that is awesome, But I always get it right on the first take ;)

rncbc's picture

oh yeah! when one get that axe up, it better slash something, no doubt.

but more than often, i do look behind and think, well is this the best i could do?

the question might seem trivial and obvious. and certainly is: you'll want to do it some other way, there's nothing stopping you whether it will better or worse. you just feel a lush of power and you want it more, more, more! bwahahah >:D

that's all what it takes :)


Many moons later and I have just tried this nice feature - set up a 2 tack rhythm which I looped and then recorded a new track against the loop.

Took awhile to find the display option which is hidden under general settings... Should this option, by default, be set to “first” so that the “takes” functionality is always available unless someone deliberately switches it off?

The takes menu item “reset” would be more obvious if it were named “unfold” - to me if a take is reset then it is thrown away...

But these are just small items. Takes works and works well.