Hi Rui,
Thanks for Qsynth. I could never use FluidSynth without the interface, not in a thousand years... That being said there is one last obstacle to overcome: getting sound out of it... I use it under UbuntuStudio 10.10. I pretty much manage to get everything working (eventually), Hydrogen, Ardour, Rakarrak, Guitarix, Zynaddsubfx. And I did get sound out of Qsynth with VMPK (virtual keyboard), and it is sooooooo nice, but as soon as I plug in my M-Audio Keyrig49, the thing goes silent.
I've tweaked the settings in Qjackctl (tried with Jack and without), and then in Qsynth, but whatever I do, it refuses to give in. The little green light lits up when I play the keys, so it knows there is a bloody keyboard out there, but to no avail. I see Qsynth in Qjackctl in the right window (inputs) under the Alsa tab, but it is absent from the left window (outputs).
I am banging my head against the wall, again and again (but not giving up). I'M pretty sure it's not a big problem, just a little something that can't put my finger on, so any suggestion from you would be more than welcome.
Quebec City (CAN)
Re: The output thing...
So I did...
OK Tried that. At first it said it lost the connection to Jack when I attempted to change the setup on Qsynth, and chose Jack under the audio tab, but finally it did connect. Here is the reading I got, after trying patchage:
loading driver ..
apparent rate = 44100
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|256|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 256 frames (5.8 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
20:51:57.720 JACK connection change.
20:51:57.721 Server configuration saved to "/home/pedrobtu/.jackdrc".
20:51:57.722 Statistics reset.
20:51:57.767 Client activated.
20:51:57.770 Buffer size change (256).
20:52:02.188 JACK connection graph change.
20:52:02.203 XRUN callback (1).
subgraph starting at qsynth timed out (subgraph_wait_fd=9, status = 0, state = Triggered, pollret = 0 revents = 0x0)
bad status (-1) for client qsynth handling event (type = 8)
**** alsa_pcm: xrun of at least 1.125 msecs
20:52:02.205 ALSA connection graph change.
20:52:02.373 ALSA connection change
(and a few more of those as i played with patchage)
I was still faced with the same situation: I see a Qsynth input in Patchage, but no output, I wonder is it because of my Jack settings? Everything is set to default (interface, input and output devices, in and out channels, audio = duplex and the driver is set to alsa).
Jack works with all my other applications, I also tried my hand at Rosegarden yesterday, seems to work there too.
I just know it's some stupid little detail, but which one?
And by the way, here are the settings that worked with VMPK:
In Qsynth:
MIDI tab: Enable MIDI Input box checked
ALSA Sequencer Client ID: Qsynth1
Audio tab: Audio driver: alsa
Soundfonts tab: SFID 1; Name /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2; Offset 0
In VMPK: -->Edit -->Connections: "Enable Thru on MIDI Output" checked
Input MIDI Connection
Output MIDI Connection FLUID Synth (Qsynth1):0
Thanks again for the advice, and for the software(s)...
Re: The output thing...
you might also try increasing the jackd client timeout value (-t)... (see qjackctl/Setup.../Settings)
fluidsynth takes a bit of time to setup and load a soundfont, specially if it's a big one.
Will try
Thanks for the suggestion, I will chek it out. Also I'll try and get it working with VMPK first, with jack running, as I've done before, then plugging the M-Audio Keyboard and rerouting everything to replace VMPK as input by the real keyboard, thru patchage.
Theoretically speaking, that should work. : )
PS Qtractor is a beauty. Really polished interface. Is it easier to use than Rosegarden?
Re: Will try...
Qtractor is a beauty. Really polished interface. Is it easier to use than Rosegarden?
you tell me :)
Update - Success! eventually
OK, will spare you some details. First surprise, I got the thing working, but not with Qtractor, with Rosegarden... Oops. Played with that a little bit, as soon as I tried Qtractor, output was gone. Basically, as soon as I started Qjackctl it went mute. Tried various configurations over the last few days - I can be quite persistent... : ) -And finally, out of the blue, Bingo! sound coming out of Qsynth with Jack with keyboard input. Well f*&?* me!
As I thought it was a stupid little thing. I had tried setting up with jack as audio driver before, following your instructions, with no result. But over time I realised that making changes to the settings while jack was still running, would make Qsynth freeze, and I would force quit, or would open system monitor to end process. What I think happened is that before I realised that problem I have tried various configurations, unaware that Qsynth was basically hanging in the background, brain-dead. So nothing would work, anyway. Finally, I tried one more time with jack as audio driver, with nothing frozen backstage, and everything worked as it is supposed to. Took me 6 days from start to finish, but it's done. Now on with Qtractor.
Which brings me to one last question: How do I get the nice shiny black theme???? Is it patent pending or something? : )
Re. Black theme...
How do I get the nice shiny black theme????
it's "wonton soup" color scheme which comes in kde4 since i don't remember when :)
i'll give away you these basic color hints:
text = #d2def0
window background = #494e58
window text = #b6c1d0
button background = #525863
button text = #d2def0
selection background = #78889c
selection text = #d1e1f4