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Qsampler Channel EDIT button opening SF2 Editor

Hello Rui,

Been testing the LV2 plugin of linuxsampler lately into Qtractor, which is working nice and doing it's task.
Over here using it to load sf2 and sfz files, just like Carla is capable of doing.
Your Qsampler is indispensable for loading sounds into linux sampler, so nice to have a separate gui.
What would be usefull is that the Qsamplers EDIT button in the channel, could be used to open a soundfont application like Swami Project SF2 or Polyphone, and load the in linuxsampler loaded SF2 file, into the SF2 editor.
Compared to gig or sfz files, soundfont files are nice to create and work with.

Would something like the request I have been possible te create without spending days of programming ?
Maybe a link to the SF2 edit program into a config file ??
Thank you for replying, Kind Regards Luc.

rncbc's picture


this is a question that is probably better answered at the forums (or maillists); IIRC the "Edit" button is configured as default to raise the gigedit editor, which provides its own LS plugin for this very purpose, and of course is rigged to handle GIG files only.

IOW. for editing SF2 or SFZ files, someone has to provide the corresponding LS plugin to interface the desired editor application (swami in your case); AFAIK there's none found in the wild.
