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Qtz files do not package lv2 plugins

Hello Rui

In the manual it indicates the following:
"4.13.3. Archives
Qtractor has a zipped archive format, .qtz, which collects together all the information needed to
play the session elsewhere, such as settings, connections, plugins (LV2 only)."

However the plugins seem not to be packaged.
I don't know if it is a feature that was removed.

This functionality could help create "templates" that can be shared with the already integrated workflow.

Sort of a general qtractors preset for share (on forums and specialized websites such as "Musical Artifacts" etc).

Thus, users new to music production would already find themselves with correctly routed buses (send and/or inserts), pre-created and functional efects auxiliaries (rebert aux, distorsion aux) with their integrated plugins strings, and a Master already with a limiter, saturator, etc.

Only records and sounds like a “final master”, without having to go around discovering the complex and abundant world of Linux plugins, the different repositories, the sources, the direct .deb downloads… (which has taken me many months to understand and sift through those that work best).

Logically, from there the user, if he is curious (and if he is a Linux user he will be) will begin his own search and learning about plugins and mixing and mastering processes.

But having example starting points helps.

rncbc's picture

No plugin binaries are ever packaged into a .qtz file. Never.

What you maybe confusing is that LV2 plugins are identified by a system location agnostic URI and all others by a file-system path (where they reside when installed).

now, you'll certainly need to have the same plugins installed on the target system if LV2; for all other types but LV2 you'll need to have plugins on the exact and very same file-system location path on the target computer. Otherwise they won't get found and loaded, obviously.

Is that clear?

I have achieved what I set out to do with VST and CLAP formats.

I save the plugin in the same path as the template.
With a text editor I edit the plugin path to relative path:
<plugin type="CLAP">

It seems to work. It's a shame it can't be done with LV2.
I understand CLAP is free, but the CALF suite is only at LV2.

I don't like VTS because as it belongs to a company (multinational and with a fairly aggressive policy), the licensing conditions can change in the future.

So for now the solution I find:
1) LV2: Include a Readme document next to the template collection indicating which plugins are necessary to install. For now only the CALF suite, for the rest there are alternatives in CLAP.
2) CLAP and VST: include them along with templates with relative paths. VST only if there really is no other option.

I share my progress because I think it can be helpful to others.

When I have a collection of templates I will also share them here.

Thanks, it was clear to me.

I will continue investigating how to make it possible.
Maybe include a script executable with the ".qtt" that scans if the necessary plugin dependencies are installed, and if not, install them.